Client Websites

Websites, Web Services & Web Apps.

Client Websites.

For every new client implementation you will set up a new development, test and production website.

Depending on your infrastucture, size or volume requirements, or even contractual factors will determine the best setup option for the client websites.

  • Common configurations are...
    • Setup on a single common web server.
    • Separated by environmental factors. (development, test, production)
    • Separated by client.

The default Simplicity naming convention for client websites follows.

  • Production Client Website...
  • Test Client Website...
  • Development Client Website...

Any additional domains or sub-domains can be added to each client website as required. Where SSL certificates are required for these websites there may be additional IP addresses that will need to be provisioned if multiple domain names are in effect. 

Client Website Services & Web Applications.

Each client website will have the following web applications configured. These make up the client specific services that the varying Simplicity interfaces use. They also deliver the required assets used within media or online content. (emails, online newsletters, online forms)

Barcode Service


The barcode application delivers an image representation of an alpha-numeric code in various barcode formats. It also is able to provide verfication that the code is valid and has been used in the correct context. It can be configured to deliver an invalid code image when the code requested is determined to be invalid. This service is commonly used in voucher or coupon offers in emails or online forms.

QR Code Service


The QR code application delivers an image representation of a QR code. It also is able to provide verfication that the code is valid and has been used in the correct context. It can be configured to deliver an invalid code image when the code requested is determined to be invalid. This service is commonly used in voucher or coupon offers in emails or online forms.

Captcha Service


Captcha is the automated mechanism for determining people and computers apart. It is primarily used to prevent fraudulent entries for competitions, surveys and applications. The Simplicity captcha service uses an image and associated web service calls to validate the entry has been posted by a person.

It is used by the Simplicity online forms and commonly used in web portals.

Dynamic Pages / Online Newsletters


The dynamic pages application allows for an online representation of an email to be created and published to the Simplicity client website. It also facilitates for dynamic content choices, merged content and database interaction.

Online Forms


The Simplicity Online Form Application allows you to build Registration Forms, Competition Forms, Surveys, Unsubscribe Forms — or any other data collection form.

  • Standard online form functionality
    • Name integration
    • Address integration
    • Validation on submit of form, eg, one registration per person, validate product barcodes
    • Restrict entry to form with unique codes and other secure fields
    • Option to restrict entry to existing data base persons only
    • Option to pre-populate form fields with existing information from data base fields or previous survey answers
    • Optional use of “Captcha” functionality
    • Option to enter custom validation messages for compulsory fields.
    • Option to add start and end dates with an auto re-direct to “competition closed” and “competition not yet started” pages.

Online Library


This is the main asset repository as used for all media. Its content is maintained from within the Simplicity desktop application.

Online Library Meta-Data


The library info application provides a mechanism for requesting thumbnail images and meta data for online library assets. The meta data presently includes width, height and file size attributes where appropriate.

User Content Management


This is the users asset repository. Its content is maintained from within the Simplicity desktop application. User content is often published through a configured user drop zone which automatically resizes and names the files based on defined rules.

User Content Management Meta-Data


The ucm info application provides a mechanism for requesting thumbnail images and meta data for user library assets. The meta data presently includes width, height and file size attributes where appropriate.

Dynamic PDF Service


The dynamic PDF application allow for the delivery of PDFs with the form fields pre populated and personalised to the recipient. These PDFs are dynamically created when accessed so if only 25% of the intended recipients request the PDF form then only these PDFs are generated saving load and storage.

Tracking and Redirection Service


Simplicity's redirection and click-through tracking service. It also monitors email opens for the standard campaign activity reports within Simplicity.

Competition Management Console


The Simplicity Competition Management Console allows for competition media fulfilment management, approval workflow, processing and secure media delivery. Users can log on to the CMC site and work with the competitions and workflow options they have been granted access to work with.

Data Integration & Passport Web Services


The Simplicity Data Integration Web Services provides the means of interacting with customer information, history related to campaign activities, email services and access to any configured entities (such as the Person entity or an Organisation entity).

This includes the creation, deletion and maintenance of data (such as names or email addresses in a Person entity) and the creation, deletion and maintenance of relationships (such as a Person employed in an Organisation). It also includes the ability to create campaign activity and send emails.

The Passport Application Web Service is used to provide security management whilst using the Data Integration Web Services. This security measure can be used to create, enable, and update accounts, allows login capabilities, as well as the setting of permissions and the setting/resetting of passwords and associated email addresses.

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