Editor Level 3 Configuration

Level 3 Configuration - Macros, Modules & Configuration Documents.

To build success you need to have solid foundations.

At the heart of Simplicity is a configuration layer that is central to the success and flexibility of Simplicity. Although many systems claim to be configuration based, few truely are. The training steps set out will help you to understand and unlock the benefits in using a rich configuration based solution.

Configuration Documents

The Simplicity application suite runs on one code base accross all Simplicity implementations. So what makes one Simplicity implementation completely different from another and the modules that are accessible within an implementation comes down to configuration. The Simplicity configuration is stored within a Simplicity configuration file (E.g. Sample.soc) just like a word document saves the letter you've written in a word document (E.g. Sample.docx). These configuration documents are stored within the client database and also published to the web server running the Simplicity Assembly Info web service for the Simplicity Desktop App to use. These documents can be opened, changed, copied and quickly becomes the IP of your specific implementation.

Configuration Modules & Macros

Modules are part of Simplicity's high level scripting configuration language that are used to gain huge efficiencies and encapsulation for components you can define that make up the conceptual Simplicity modules.

Macros are part of Simplicity's high level scripting configuration language that are used to gain huge efficiencies and provide the instruction set for applying changes to a Simplicity configuration document.

If we were to put modules and macros into the context of baking a cake then a module would be a shopping list of ingredients where no particular brand for the ingredients you could use and a macro is the set of instruction to make the cake with the set of ingredients you actually purchsed for the cake.

Level 3 Configuration - Topics Index

Level 3 Configuration - Identifying Your Configuration Changes.

Steps 1 - 10

The following walk through takes you through the process of identifying your configuration changes with the node comparer tool using the example of creating a new pet entity configuration module.



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Step 1




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Step 2




Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 3




Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 4




Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 5




Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 6




Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 7




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Step 8




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Step 9



STEP 10.

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Step 10


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Level 3 Configuration - Creating Your Configuration Module.

Steps 11 - 38

The following walk through takes you through the process of creating your configuration module using the example of identified pet entity configuration changes from steps 1 - 10.


STEP 11.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 11



STEP 12.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 12



STEP 13.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 13



STEP 14.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 14



STEP 15.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 15



STEP 16.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 16



STEP 17.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 17



STEP 18.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 18



STEP 19.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 19



STEP 20.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 20



STEP 21.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 21



STEP 22.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 22



STEP 23.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 23



STEP 24.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 24



STEP 25.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 25



STEP 26.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 26



STEP 27.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 27



STEP 28.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 28



STEP 29.

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Step 29



STEP 30.

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Step 30



STEP 31.

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Step 31



STEP 32.

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Step 32



STEP 33.

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Step 33



STEP 34.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 34



STEP 35.

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Step 35



STEP 36.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 36



STEP 37.

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Step 37



STEP 38.

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Step 38


Back to Topics Index.

Level 3 Configuration - Creating Your Configuration Macro.

Steps 39 - 47

The following walk through takes you through the process of creating your configuration macro using the example of your new pet module created from steps 11 - 38 using the configuration file containing the example pet configuration changes.


STEP 39.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 39



STEP 40.

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Step 40



STEP 41.

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Step 41



STEP 42.

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Step 42



STEP 43.

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Step 43



STEP 44.

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Step 44



STEP 45.

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Step 45



STEP 46.

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Step 46



STEP 47.

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Step 47


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Level 3 Configuration - Executing a Configuration Macro.

Steps 48 - 53

The following walk through takes you through the process of executing a configuration macro using the example of executing the new pet macro created from steps 39 - 47 against a configuration file which doesn't have pets or their associated entities configured.


STEP 48.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 48



STEP 49.

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Step 49



STEP 50.

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Step 50



STEP 51.

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Step 51



STEP 52.

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Step 52



STEP 53.

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Step 53


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Level 3 Configuration - Previewing Executed Macro Changes.

Steps 54 - 58

The following walk through takes you through the process of reviewing that applied changes from executing a configuration macro using the example of the pet macro created from steps 39 - 47.


STEP 54.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 54



STEP 55.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 55



STEP 56.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 56



STEP 57.

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Step 57



STEP 58.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 58


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