Data Centric and Media Centric Checklist

Data Centric and Media Centric Set Up Components

The purpose of this document is to provide best practice guidelines on setting up campaigns.

It is broken into two primary areas of setup. The first being from a data centric perspective, and the second being from the media centric perspective

When you are setting up campaigns it is important there is a clear understanding of the campaign requirements.

There are two ways in which the campaign setup process will be successful:

  1. Campaigns are setup by experienced production staff who are both able to and have the authority to make decisions throughout the setup process
  2. Campaign requirements are well documented and clearly understood by all parties throughout the campaign setup.

Failure to have either in place exposes unnecessary risks to campaign setup costs and timeframes overrunning.

Also please note the Simplicity Core Concepts included in Appendix A within this document should also be read by anyone who is working on campaigns within the Simplicity environment.

Data Centric Setup Checklist

Data requirements need to be clearly defined. Without clear and easily understood documentation on these requirements the intended target audience is unlikely to be reached.

The customer records you wish to include in your campaign appear as records (rows of data) within your source list.

The customer data you wish to use appear as columns (fields, values) within the source list.

Reference to customer fields is for the following two purposes:

  • Filtering or selecting records that meet a certain criteria (typically where Field=Value)
  • For merge content to use for personalisation or for unique customer related codes.

Data Checklist


  • Have all segments been created?


  • Are all the merge fields required present in the source list?
  • Are all your filtering fields required present in the source list?
  • Does each selection have the correct segment assigned to it?
  • Have you excluded invalid email, names, and addresses from the selections?
  • Have you removed ‘invalid emails’ from the selections?
  • Have you removed ‘hard bounces’ from the selections?
  • Have you removed all the opt outs, deceased’s, and non-deliverable addresses?
  • If external list has been used, have you deduped on email or address?


  • Has a “Campaign Summary” been performed to validate segment counts?
  • Have the numbers been qualified against the campaign brief.
    (check that they are similar to what the client is expecting)


  • Is it limited to per vehicle, person, service or other?
  • Is it limited to per email address?
  • Is it limited to one per delivery address?
  • Have the appropriate segments been selected and validated?

Data Extracts

  • Has any required data loads, ETL import processes, or bulk copy analytic refreshes been processed before extracting data?
  • Have any required “Pack Codes” and/or “Coupon Codes” been setup?
  • Have you included any required RSN fields in the extract?
    • Person RSN
    • Organisation RSN
    • Vehicle RSN
    • Vehicle Owner RSN
    • Vehicle Service RSN
  • Have you included all the required customer fields in the extract?
  • Have you included the ‘Segment’ field in the extract?
  • Are the label codes setup and also selected for export?
  • Is the export file media setup to create activity records if required? (Note: Selecting ‘create campaign activity’ in the file export media tab is not compulsory but will create the following behaviour. This will create an entry against the person, vehicle but NOT an activity.)
  • Have you chosen a pipe delimited output file (unless client asks for something else)
  • Have you checked the file manually to test for any duplicates or data irregularities?
  • Have you zipped the file, password protected it and copied to a secure server?

Label Codes

  • Have you linked the label codes to the appropriate “Unsubscribe”, “Edit Your Details”, “Friend get Friend” or “Competition Entry” forms as required?
  • Have the selected segments been validated for each label code field?

User Defined Fields

  • Have the selected segments been validated for each user defined field?
  • Have you validated any fall back fields have the appropriate fall back logic.
    (E.g. If no salutation, use ‘Friend of ABC’)

Data Channel Component Definitions

Inbound Data Channel Components

The campaign definition contains all the inbound component definitions within Simplicity covering the selections, filtering and augmentation rules of the varying data channels being incorporated into the campaign. Along with all the outbound component definitions which encompass the media definition, distribution and filtering rules.

Campaign Segments - Inbound
  • This is how all the recipients that have been included within the campaign are segmented.
  • Conceptually this is the name of the list that recipients are added to.
  • Recipients can belong to one or many segments.
Source Lists
  • These are the source lists that we have available to pull recipient information from
  • Simplicity campaigns can utilise data from varying sources samples of common sources below.
    • Production database
    • Analytical database
    • Data warehouses
    • Excel spreadsheets
    • ADO, ODBC source lists.
  • These are the instructions to select recipients from the specified “Source Lists” and add them to the appropriate list (“Campaign Segment”)
  • Selections can be defined with smart filters that can create a tailored subset of the potential recipients to use.
Dedupe Rules
  • These are rules that can be defined to ensure that only a single recipient will be left that matches the dedupe rules criteria
  • Any subsequent recipients that have been added have the same matching attributes based on the dedupe rule definition will be removed.
    I.e. “Last In” is “First Out” when duplicates are found.
  • Duplicate entries that are identified are permanently removed from their corresponding segment or list.

Outbound Data Channel Components

The campaign definition contains all the inbound component definitions within Simplicity covering the selections, filtering and augmentation rules of the varying data channels being incorporated into the campaign. Along with all the outbound component definitions which encompass the media definition, distribution and filtering rules.

Campaign Segments - Outbound

When used in an outbound capacity these are associated to outbound media channels. For each outbound media channel that has one or many segments associated with it then all recipients that are on that list (or belong to that segment) will all receive the content delivered through the media channel.

Campaign Media

These are the outbound media channels that are setup in the campaign.
These commonly include:

  • Email
  • Print
  • SMS
  • Export files for fulfilment
  • Outbound call centre actions
Recipient Filters

These are the humanised selection options that further subset the intended audience.

Media Centric Setup Checklist

The media requirements need to be clearly defined. Media is created as a touchpoint to allow for interaction with the customer. This typically will include Email, Outbound Calls, SMS, Direct Mail, and many others.

Media can be used globally for everyone matching the selection criteria or to just a group of segments defined in the campaign. Further Media filtering specific to the media itself can also be applied (Commonly used in email subject line testing).

Media Checklist


  • All creative and docs are saved under “documents” in the campaign
  • All approvals from agency and client are saved under “documents” in the campaign


  • Is it limited to per vehicle, person, service or other?
  • Is it limited to per email address?
  • Is it limited to one per delivery address?


  • Make sure subject line has been filled in
  • Has the word “Test” been taken out of the subject line for any production email sends?
  • Have the ‘To’ and ‘From’ fields been filled in correctly for email media?
  • Has the segment been changed to the relevant segments or all segments for the media?
  • Make sure Track hyperlink ‘click throughs’ is ticked
  • Make sure Track email openings is ticked
  • Make sure all links on html and text version are working
  • Make sure all image links are valid and the images display correctly
  • Make sure all label codes on html and text version are working
  • Create any required dynamic pages for the online version.
  • Copy text version into html text version, don’t tick plain text or it removes all the html.
    (In doubt, save html version to toolbox first as backup.)
  • Have you removed any test text version prior to a production email send?
  • Validate all urls to online assets including images start with https not http?
    (This domain for these will differ for each client and environment).
  • Do all the apostrophes and dashes look fine in Outlook 2007?
  • Do all the accented characters display correctly. E.g. Check the e’ acutes.

Data Extracts - Export File Media

  • Has the data load been done (refreshed) before extracting data?
  • Do they require a Pack Code and Coupon Code?
  • Have you included Person RSN and Household RSN in the extract?
  • Have you included Letter Carrier and Salutation (may need to get them added to views)
  • Have you included the ‘Segment’ in the extract?
  • Are the label codes ticked?
  • Is the “Create Activity Records” ticked for final executing?
  • Have you chosen a pipe delimited output file (unless client asks for something else)
  • Have you checked the file manually for any duplicates or address irregularities?
  • Have you zipped the file, passworded it and copied to secure server?
  • Have you emailed client the link to the document and password under separate email.
    (Note: You can take the tick off ‘create campaign activity’ in the media tab to execute the media. This will create an entry against the person but NOT an activity. Then you can check that the person details are correct if not sure with the segments.)

Dynamic Page

  • Make sure all links on the dynamic page are working
  • Make sure all label codes and merge fields are working

Label Codes

  • Always use one label code (not separate ones) (eg make one subject line but add the two
    unsubscribe and update details separately).
  • Has the segment been changed to “all segments”?

Campaign Output & Measurability

It is essential the campaign output requirements are clearly defined.
This will determine if the campaign will be considered successful. Without understanding how it will be measured it will be challenging to identify if there are any gaps between the supplied campaign brief and the campaign output or reporting requirements.

Campaign Checklist


  • Has Execution available via “Desktop” been selected?
  • Has the corr
  • ect “Use existing worksheet” option been selected?
  • Have all the associated campaign documents been attached to the campaign?


  • Has a “Campaign Summary” been performed to validate segment counts?
  • Have the numbers been qualified against the campaign brief (check that they are similar to what the client is expecting)

Analytics & Reporting

  • Have any post campaign required reports been specified and documented?
  • Have any analytical post campaign requirements been specified and documented?

Processing Tab

  • Has the “Manual Processing” option been unselected before final send?


  • Has the media content and send approval been signed off by the client.
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