Simplicity Email Meta-Tags

Supplied HTML embedded Drag and Drop Meta Tags

The Simplicity email Meta Tags are designed to allow you to create media and campaign setup definitions from within the imported html for your email media.

These tags allow for a more rapid setup process during the campaign develpment phase.

These tags are within the html that is dragged into the Simplicity Campaign Canvas.

Email Media – Canvas Drag & Drop Meta Tags

Simplicity Email HTML Meta-Tags


Email Media Name

<X-SA-LABEL>My Sample Email</X-SA-LABEL>


Source list to use for selection



Segment to add records to from the source list specified



Set media to approved on creation



Recipient segments to be created

<X-SA-SEGMENT>Primary Customer List</X-SA-SEGMENT>

<X-SA-SEGMENT>Lucky Draw Customers</X-SA-SEGMENT>

<X-SA-SEGMENT>Second Chance Customers</X-SA-SEGMENT>


Test segments to be created




Dedupe rules to create




Default Subject Line Declaration

<X-SA-SUBJECT>SimplicityCRM 客户关系管理系统 电子报</X-SA-SUBJECT>


Or to perform a simple AB split on Subject Line
{Subject for Split A}:{Subject for Split B}|% for Split A:% for Split B

<X-SA-SUBJECT>{SimplicityCRM 客户关系管理系统 电子报}:{ABCD}|60:40</X-SA-SUBJECT>


To recipient email details in standard email format
“Display Name” <>


        "[sel].[GivenName]" <[sel].[Email]>



From email address


        "Geoff Pryor" <>



Cc recipient email details


        "Geoff CC" <>



Bcc recipient email details


        "Geoff BCC" <>



Reply-To email address


        "Geoff REPLYTO" <>



Alternative TEXT copy for HTML email message


        This is where I can specify an alternative TEXT Version for this HTML

        and not just the default translation from HTML for any viewing this in

        a text only mail client.





Simplicity Automatic Form Linking Tags

Automatically link “Update Details” form in APPEND Mode
Will always append new records when form is submitted



Automatically link “Update Details” form in ADD Mode
Will EDIT a record if it exists otherwise will ADD a new record



Automatically link “Update Details” form in EDIT Mode
Will EDIT an existing record only



Simplicity Automatic Fallback Tags

Fallback syntax for where merge fields may be blank


Australia - New Zealand