Import Specifications

Import Specifications

Import Specifications (import spec) are created to load external data sources into the database. Data mapping and functionality to manipulate data are added to the import spec to ensure the data in the external data source meets the business rules for data input into the database.

An import spec allows the user to map data to the relevant entity using from the following different files:

  • Excel Spreadsheets;
  • Access Databases;
  • Delimited files (eg, tab, comma, pipe); or
  • Fixed width options,

On completion of the import spec the external source data is imported into the data load table and the records matched and processed as outlined in Matching Rules and Process Data Load Records.

Creating an Import Spec

Open the Import Specification search form by clicking on the Data Loads and Tasks icon on the Simplicity toolbar.

Open Import Spec Search form from Toolbar

Click on the "Add Import Specification" icon in the search form

New Import Spec

Enter a relevant name into the Name field.
Select the file format of the data to be imported.
Select the file location of the file to imported by clicking on the folder icon next to the File field.

New Import Spec

If required, set the "Trim" to "True" for each column and select the "Case" for each column, where relevant.

New Import Spec

Click on the "Functions" tab in the Source Data screen to add functions.

New Import Spec

Add the function name to the name field and select a function from the template options by clicking on the down arrow. The appropriate parmeters will appear depending on the function template selected.

New Import Spec

Select one of the three source options from the drop down menu —
Column: column heading from external data source.
Function: a function already added to the import spec.
Constant Value: enables user to enter text into the Value field.

After the Source option has been selected, choose the options available in the drop down menu, or enter text in the Value field.

Click the Add button next to the Function field to apply the function to the Import Spec.

New Import Spec

Map to Data Load Entity

After all functions have been added to the import spec select the appropriate entity data load table(s) under Map to Data Load in the top right of the Import Specification workspace. The number of options available will depend on the number of entities and relationship tables you have in your database.

New Import Spec

Click on the "Map to ..." tab. Right click in the white space and select Add Data Map. Select the Destination data load table field name from the drop down options.

New Import Spec

Select the appropriate function or external data source column name from drop down menu in the Source field. Add conditions to data if required.

New Import Spec

Repeat the above process until all data load fields being used for this data load process have been mapped.

New Import Spec

NOTE: Save and closing the import spec at various times during the creation of the import specification is recommended.

Import File

After data load tables and fields have been mapped the external data source is ready to be imported into the data load table(s).

Click on the Import File icon in the top left corner of the Import Specification workspace.

New Import Spec

Click OK when prompt appears to signal the data has been imported successfully into the data load table(s).

New Import Spec

Load Data into Database

Check the data in the data load table(s) by opening the data load table(s) from the Simplicity Toolbar.

New Import Spec

Select the source file — the file name of the external data source — from the drop down options from the Source field and click Find. Scroll across the table fields and check the data in the data load columns has been loaded as expected.

New Import Spec

New Import Spec

Run the match rules as outlined in Matching Rules before processing the data as outlined in Process Data Load Records.

Filtering Based on Field Values

Where data files have a specified set of data in one or more columns, these data values can be derived from the source file and used to filter individual data items for column mapping purposes.


Select the Values tab

Import Spec Filter

Select the column that will be used for filtering

Import Spec Filter

Right-click and select Derive Values

Import Spec Filter

Check the list of returned values to ensure that all expected items are included

Import Spec Filter

If multiple data files are going to be imported there may be a need to manually add or delete any values that may not exist in the current data file and this can be done by right-clicking and selecting “Add Value” or right-clicking on the item to delete and selecting “Delete Value”

Import Spec Filter

When setting up a conditional load for a data column you can now select the filter values from a drop-down list to filter out the data thus avoiding any potential spelling errors and omissions.

Import Spec Filter

Filter on Column Name

In the Value field add the value for the column that is to be replaced with null when imported into the data load table.


Import Spec Filter


Import Spec Filter


Import Spec Filter

Filtering Mapped Data per Entity

Where data files have a specified set of data in one or more columns, these data values can be derived from the source file and used as a filter to exclude entire rows of data from the data mapping.


Select the Values tab

Import Spec Filter

Select the column that will be used for filtering

Import Spec Filter

Right-click and select Derive Values

Import Spec Filter

Check the list of returned values to ensure that all expected items are included

Import Spec Filter

If multiple data files are going to be imported there may be a need to manually add or delete any values that may not exist in the current data file and this can be done by right-clicking and selecting “Add Value” or right-clicking on the item to delete and selecting “Delete Value”

Import Spec Filter

The filter items column can be used to filter out entre rows of data from an Entity import by selecting the filters item at the bottom of the Data Mapping screen.

Import Spec Filter

Right-click and select Add Filter.

Import Spec Filter

Add the Filter criteria in and select the derived value from the drop-down list to create the exclusion.

Import Spec Filter

Any data that meets the criteria will now be excluded from the data import.

Import Spec Functions


Performs the mathematical operation between value 1 and value 2 and returns the result.
Valid operators are + , - , * , / , ÷


Clean Email

Returns the email address with all leading and trailing white space removed.


Clean Family Name

Returns the family name in a proper case format taking into account Simplicity family name formatting rules for example: mcdonald = McDonald, o'brien = O'Brien. The family name also has all leading and trailing white space removed.


Clean Gender

Returns the gender as 'Male' or 'Female'. Priority is given to the gender field where this is already populated with ('M', 'Male', 'F'. 'Female'). Where no gender is specified it looks up Simplicity gender naming rules and tries to determine, firstly from the title, secondarily from the given name and lastly from the middle name, where their name successfully denotes their gender. For example: Mr Chris James Smith = Male (derived from title), Chris James Smith = Male (derived from middle name), Chris Smith = Undetermined (no match found).


Clean Given Name

Returns the given name in a proper case format taking into account Simplicity given name formatting rules for example: geoff = Geoff, SALLY = Sally. The given name also has all leading and trailing white space removed.


Clean Invalid Email

Returns True (1) or False (0) as to whether the email address is determined to be invalid. An email address is determined to be invalid where the email address has a value supplied and the email address does not contain an '@' or '.' For example: blank = 0, = 0, = 1, sales@example = 1


Clean Letter Carrier

Returns a letter carrier formatted in the following pattern: { Cleaned Title } { Capitalised First Initial of Given Name } { Capitalised First Initial of Middle Name } { Cleaned Family Name }. Where no title and no given name is specified or the resulting letter carrier is less than three letters long then no result is returned. For example: chris james mcdonald = Mr C J McDonald, chris mcdonald = C McDonald, james mcdonald = Mr J McDonald, sally jane mcdonald = Ms S J McDonald, mrs sally mcdonald = Mrs Sally McDonald, sally = blank


Clean Phone Ext

Returns the extension portion of the phone as determined by the Simplicity phone number parsing rules.


Clean Phone IDD

Returns the IDD (International Direct Dialing) portion of the phone as determined by the Simplicity phone number parsing rules.


Clean Phone Invalid

Returns True (1) or False (0) as to whether the phone number is determined to be invalid. A phone number is determined to be invalid where the phone number consists only of numbers and the phone number is less than six digits long.


Clean Phone Local

Returns the local portion of the phone as determined by the Simplicity phone number parsing rules.


Clean Phone STD

Returns the STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialing) portion of the phone as determined by the Simplicity phone number parsing rules.


Clean Salutation

Returns a salutation. The function will return the cleaned given name but where the given name has not been specified it will return a salutation formatted in the following pattern: { Cleaned Title } { Cleaned Family Name }. For example: chris james mcdonald = Chris, chris mcdonald = Chris, mr j mcdonald = Mr McDonald, sally jane mcdonald = Sally, mrs mcdonald = Mrs McDonald, sally = Sally


Clean Title

Returns a title. The function will return the title but where the title has not been specified it will check the specified gender and return the default title for the gender. If this is indeterminate then the title is checked from the gender evaluation of the given name, where this is indeterminate the title is checked from the gender evaluation of the middle name. For example: chris james mcdonald = Mr, chris mcdonald = blank, mr j mcdonald = Mr, sally jane mcdonald = Ms, mrs mcdonald = Mrs, sally = Ms


Clean Website

Returns the website with all leading and trailing white space removed.


Clean Website Invalid

Returns True (1) or False (0) as to whether the website is determined to be invalid. An website is determined to be invalid where the website has a value supplied with 3 or more letters and the website does not contain an '.' For example: blank = 0, = 0, ww = 1, sales@example = 1


Compare Value

Performs the comparison between 'Value to Check' and 'Compare To' and returns the 'Return If True' value if the comparison is true and returns the 'Return If False' value if the comparison is false.
Valid operators are > , >= , = , <= , < , <>



Returns a result in the following format where a seperator is supplied: { Value 1 }{ Seperator }{ Value 2 }
Where a seperator is not supplied the following format is used: { Value 1 }{ Value 2 }
Both value 1 and value 2 must be specified for a concatenated value to be returned.


Constant Value

Returns the value specified.



Checks whether the 'Find Expression' value can be found in the 'In Expression' value. The 'Return If Found' value is returned if it was found and the 'Return If Not Found' value if it was not found. If no 'Return If Found' value is specified then the value of 1 is used. If no 'Return If Not Found' value is specified then the value of 0 is used. The search is case sensitive.


Date Diff

Returns the difference between 'Date 1' and 'Date 2' for the interval you specify.
If 'Date 1' represents a later date and time than 'Date 2', a negative number will be returned.
The valid intervals are: Year, Quarter, Month, DayOfYear, Day, WeekOfYear, Weekday, Hour, Minute, Second


Derive Family Name From Full Name

Returns the family name from the full name specified in the 'Input String' using the Simplicity name functions. If the family name is successfully determined then this can be optional cased using the Simplicity name casing routines by specifying 1 in the 'Case' parameter.


Derive Gender

Returns the gender as 'Male' or 'Female'. It looks up Simplicity gender naming rules and tries to determine, firstly from the title, secondarily from the given name and lastly from the middle name, where their name successfully denotes their gender. For example: Mr Chris James Smith = Male (derived from title), Chris James Smith = Male (derived from middle name), Chris Smith = Undetermined (no match found).


Derive Given Name From Full Name

Returns the given name from the full name specified in the 'Input String' using the Simplicity name functions. If the given name is successfully determined then this can be optional cased using the Simplicity name casing routines by specifying 1 in the 'Case' parameter.


Derive Letter Carrier

Returns a letter carrier formatted in the following pattern: { Cleaned Title } { Capitalised First Initial of Given Name } { Capitalised First Initial of Middle Name } { Cleaned Family Name }. Where no title and no given name is specified or the resulting letter carrier is less than three letters long then no result is returned. For example: chris james mcdonald = Mr C J McDonald, chris mcdonald = C McDonald, james mcdonald = Mr J McDonald, sally jane mcdonald = Ms S J McDonald, mrs sally mcdonald = Mrs Sally McDonald, sally = blank. If the letter carrier is successfully determined then this can be optional cased using the Simplicity name casing routines by specifying 1 in the 'Case' parameter. This method can also optionally have the decoration specified to be included in the derived letter carrier.


Derive Letter Carrier From Full Name

Returns the letter carrier from the full name specified in the 'Input String' using the Simplicity name functions. If the letter carrier is successfully determined then this can be optional cased using the Simplicity name casing routines by specifying 1 in the 'Case' parameter.


Derive Middle Name From Full Name

Returns the middle name from the full name specified in the 'Input String' using the Simplicity name functions. If the middle name is successfully determined then this can be optional cased using the Simplicity name casing routines by specifying 1 in the 'Case' parameter.


Derive Phone Extension

Returns the extension portion of the phone as determined by the Simplicity phone number parsing rules.


Derive Phone IDD

Returns the IDD (International Direct Dialing) portion of the phone as determined by the Simplicity phone number parsing rules.


Derive Phone Invalid

Returns True (1) or False (0) as to whether the phone number is determined to be invalid. A phone number is determined to be invalid where the phone number consists only of numbers and the phone number is less than six digits long.


Derive Phone Local

Returns the local portion of the phone as determined by the Simplicity phone number parsing rules.


Derive Phone STD

Returns the STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialing) portion of the phone as determined by the Simplicity phone number parsing rules.


Derive Salutation

Returns a salutation. The function will return the cleaned given name but where the given name has not been specified it will return a salutation formatted in the following pattern: { Cleaned Title } { Cleaned Family Name }. For example: chris james mcdonald = Chris, chris mcdonald = Chris, mr j mcdonald = Mr McDonald, sally jane mcdonald = Sally, mrs mcdonald = Mrs McDonald, sally = Sally. If the salutation is successfully determined then this can be optional cased using the Simplicity name casing routines by specifying 1 in the 'Case' parameter.


Derive Salutation From Full Name

Returns the salutation from the full name specified in the 'Input String' using the Simplicity name functions. If the salutation is successfully determined then this can be optional cased using the Simplicity name casing routines by specifying 1 in the 'Case' parameter.


Derive Title

Returns a title. The title is checked from the gender evaluation of the given name, where this is indeterminate the title is checked from the gender evaluation of the middle name. For example: chris james mcdonald = Mr, chris mcdonald = blank, mr j mcdonald = Mr, sally jane mcdonald = Ms, mrs mcdonald = Mrs, sally = Ms


Derive Title From Full Name

Returns the title from the full name specified in the 'Input String' using the Simplicity name functions. If the title is successfully determined then this can be optional cased using the Simplicity name casing routines by specifying 1 in the 'Case' parameter.


Index Of

Returns the 'Find Expression' position within the 'In Expression' value beginning at the specified start position. If no start position is specified it will begin the search from the beginning of the 'In Expression' value. The position the text is found is returned if it is found. If the text is not found then -1 is returned. The search is case sensitive and the text position is indexed from 0.


MP Address Match String

Returns a Simplicity address match string for the specified address lines.



Returns the current date and time.



Converts the specified string representation of a date and time as specified in the 'Input String' parameter to its Date and Time equivalent using the specified format and culture-specific format information. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly. The 'Data Type' parameter should be set to 'Date'. The 'Invalid Data Omission Level' parameter has since been deprecated.


Proper Case Family Name

Returns the input string in a proper case format taking into account Simplicity family name formatting rules. A standard proper case is performed on the input string prior to passing it to the Simplicity family name formatting rules. For example: mcdonald = McDonald, o'brien = O'Brien. The family name also has all leading and trailing white space removed.


Proper Case Given Name

Returns the input string in a proper case format taking into account Simplicity given name formatting rules. A standard proper case is performed on the input string prior to passing it to the Simplicity given name formatting rules. For example: geoff = Geoff, SALLY = Sally. The given name also has all leading and trailing white space removed.


Proper Case String

Returns the proper case version of the supplied input string. Proper casing is also referred to as camel casing. For example: the quick brown fox = The Quick Brown Fox, THE LAZY DOG = The Lazy Dog


Prospect RSN

Returns the prospect RSN as defined for the entity data load you are processing.


SQL Server Function

This will return a value from a system or custom sql server function. The function name should be entered in the following format { Schema }.{ Function Name } for example dbo.MySampleFunction. Up to 10 parameters can also be specified through the name/value pairs.


Sub String

Returns the portion of text within the 'Expression' value beginning at the specified start position for the number of characters as specified in the 'Length' parameter. If no length position is specified it will include all characters from the start position until it reaches the end of the 'Expression' value. The first character's position is 0.


To Lower

Returns the input string as lower case. For example: HELLO WORLD = hello world, Hello World = hello world


To Upper

Returns the input string as upper case. For example: hello world = HELLO WORLD, Hello World = HELLO WORLD



Returns the to trim value with all leading and trailing white space removed.


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