Client Databases

Data - The Raw Material of Business.

Client Databases.

For every new client implementation you will set up a new development, test and production database.

For every new client implementation that is a new site/country implementation for an existing client then you may either use the existing client's analytical database or create a new analytical database.

For every new client implentation that has no previous site/country implementation then a new analytical database will be set up. 

  • Common configurations are...
    • Setup on a single common database server.
    • Separated by environmental factors. (development, test, production)
    • Separated by client.

The default Simplicity naming convention for client databases follows.

  • Production Client OLTP Database...
    • Simplicity_ClientNameCountryCode
  • Production Client Analytics Database...
    • ana_Simplicity_ClientNameCountryCode
  • Test Client OLTP Database...
    • Simplicity_ClientNameCountryCode_Test
  • Development Client OLTP Database...
    • Simplicity_ClientNameCountryCode_Dev

All client implementations have a production, test and development system regardless of the implementation size.

Australia - New Zealand