CIS 110: Online Forms – Full Training

CIS 110: Online Forms – Full Training

Duration: Three Days
Attendees: Maximum Four people.
Pre-requisites: A basic knowledge of html for simple online forms is recommended. For forms requiring a more creative flair, a comprehensive understanding of html and css is required.
Where: On site at your premises or at Simplicity Training Centre Auckland
Cost: On Site Australia or NZ $4,000 per person minimum 2, At Simplicity Training Centre $3,000 per person minimum 2, Webex $4,000 per person minimum 2
What you can expect to learn: Create an online form to display consistently in web browsers, collect data and have form interact with data base, eg unsubscribe person in database instantly on submit of form.  Comprehensive understanding of data fields and entities to ensure survey fields are mapped and data/information is collected correctly.  Extract and preview survey answer data. Load new records from online form data collection. Test and check data mapping and data collection.


  • Overview of Simplicity Toolbar, Database Entities and Online Form tools
    • Online Library, images and associated survey pages, eg, terms and conditions
  • Form Setup
    • Domains and url branch names
    • Layout and presentation:
      Setting default options, eg, form width, background images, font size/colour/face, form alignment, banners; submit/next buttons; Style sheet options
    • Page types – landing or default page, survey page(s), thank you or exit page, pre-start and promotion end pages
    • Label (unique) codes and security fields to control entry in to surveys
    • Survey Relationships
      Defining relationships to ensure entities linked in database
    • Saving data/answers between multiple surveys
      When to save and when not to save
  • Survey Setup
    Overview of mapping fields to data base, saving answers to tables, prospect data collection vs updating existing data
    • Assigning data types, eg, text, Boolean, single pick lists, multi pick lists, drop down lists
      Adding question items
      Mapping Survey Answer and Entity fields at question level verses question item level
    • Layout out/formatting of questions
    • Input validation
      Control type of data being entered into fields, eg, letters only in name fields.
    • Sensitive data
      To display database information or not to display information
    • Name integration
      Populating Salutation, Letter Carrier and other associated name derivatives from basic name fields
    • Address integration (if subscribed to RightAddress)
      Cleaning address to AU/NZ Post Standards
    • Captcha mechanism
      Avoid “bots” and spam
    • Entry restrictions (de-duping)
      eg, entry limited to one per person
    • Promotion code validation
      Product barcode or keycode entry requirements
  • Data Loading
    Loading prospect records collected from Online Form entry into the database
  • Publishing survey answer views
    How to preview answers
  • Testing Recommendations
  • Customer Interaction Studio
    CIS102 training is recommended.
    Set up Campaign for survey relationship to provide reporting benefits
    Preview and/or export survey answers
    Setup Email campaign to test Specified Entity Mapping in survey
  • Campaign report
    View basic campaign analysis report


Australia - New Zealand