CIS104: Friend Get Friend

CIS104: Friend Get Friend

Duration: One Day
Attendees: Maximum two people.
Pre-requisites: CIS101 and must have proficiency in html and css and an understand of web site design and build
Where: On site at your premises or at Simplicity Training Centre Auckland
Cost: On Site Australia or NZ $1,800 per person minimum 2, At Simplicity Training Centre $1,600 per person minimum 2, Webex $1,800 per person minimum 2
What you can expect to learn: How to set up a friend get friend site that links into your email campaigns and web sites


  • Campaign setup
  • Friend email setup
    • HTML media
    • Text media
    • personalisation/merge fields
  • FGF form setup
    • Configuration
    • Details Page
    • Thank you page
    • CSS files (style sheets)
  • Testing
    • Setting up email media for testing
Australia - New Zealand