System Administration

High Level Network Diagram

Simplicity’s architecture guarantees performance, robustness, ease of use and low customisation cost. Making sure you have the right infrastucture and achitecture behind your solution are key parts to a successful solution.

Simplicity supports a range of configuration options with services being able to be distributed accross servers to provide role and service isolation or alternatively these can be consolidated on servers as required to make best use of your hardware investment.

Sample Implementation Configurations.

Fig 1. Simplicity deployed accross a three server configuration.

Network High Level Diagram Large V3 S3

Fig 2. Simplicity deployed accross a four server configuration.

Network High Level Diagram Large V3 S4

Fig 3. Simplicity deployed accross a five server configuration.

Network High Level Diagram Large V3 S5

Fig 4. Simplicity deployed accross a six server configuration.

Network High Level Diagram Large V3 S6

We will work with you to ensure the most appropriate model is implemented. The configuration you initially start with can be expanded to different models as your future needs and requirements dictate.


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