Simplicity Core Concepts & Hierarchy
Architecture begins where Engineering ends.
Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation & Evolution.
The Simplicity architecture has been developed to ensure that it meets the significant requirements that today’s stakeholders demand.
One code base purpose designed and continually developed over the past decade ensures a richness and robustness across all our core products and services.
With the heavy focus on reusable components through our configuration based methodology you can expect that every aspect of Simplicity has been carefully thought through and implemented to give the best experience possible.
Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation & Evolution are all key mainstays in our architectural development cycle.
Architecture Overview.
![Archtecture Overview](/media/1056/WFHighLevelOverview_760x485.jpg)
CIS Core Concepts
The Simplicity campaign engine is referred to as the “Customer Interaction Studio” or CIS.
This is the Simplicity campaign management tool.
The campaign hierarchy consists of the following core entities.
At the top level both from a setup and reporting perspective.
The “Campaign” entity in Simplicity refers to the topmost component for both the campaign setup but also for any campaign reporting requirements.
Campaign Segments
The “Campaign Segment” entity in Simplicity is how all the recipients that have been included within this campaign are segmented.
Although a segment is an easy way to picture a group of segments when you are looking at reporting it certainly makes sense where it can create some confusion is where you may have recipients that are included in more than one segment. A good way to picture a segment is to think of it as the name of a list.
Let’s walk through a simple example.
A Child’s Birthday Party.
So let’s say the campaign is “21st Birthday Bash”
The first list we need to make is who we are going to invite.
So working out who to include and where we get this information from introduces us to two new terms. “Source Lists” and “Selections”
Source Lists
Source lists are the data sources that we have available to pull recipient information from.
These are typically setup at time of implementation and slowly change as campaign requirements and understandings move.
Some of these data sources will come from production data, analytical databases, data warehouses, excel spreadsheets even.
Simplicity caters for multiple data channels in and multiple media channels out.
So moving back to our birthday party example what sort of lists we expect to be using.
Well let’s put a few down.
- Family members.
- Friends.
- Work colleges.
Ok so now we have some source lists defined how are these people included into the Campaign?
This is achieved through “Campaign Selections”
Campaign selections are the instructions to select recipients from the specified “Source List” and add them to the appropriate list. The list name as mentioned earlier is the “Campaign Segment”.
So again back to our example so for our birthday party invitation list we would be creating three selections to add people to our “Invitees” list.
- Selection 1: Select all people from the “Family Members” source list adding them to the “Invitees” list (Campaign Segment)
- Selection 2: Select all people from the “Friends” source list adding them to the “Invitees” list
- Selection 3: Select all people from the “Work colleges” source list adding them to the “Invitees” list
Ok so that looks fine but what do we do if I don’t want to invite everyone from each source list to the party?
Simple, this is where we add a selection filter.
Selection Filters
Selection filters are exactly as they sound. They provide a means of creating a subset of recipients from the “Source List” being used.
This is great news so let’s alter our three selections so we can be more specific about who we invite.
- Selection 1: Select all people from the “Family Members” source list adding them to the “Invitees” list
- Selection 1 - Filter 1:
- Exclude family members overseas.
- Selection 2: Select all people from the “Friends” source list adding them to the “Invitees” list
- Selection 2 - Filter 1
- Include friends that I see on a regular basis.
- Selection 2 - Filter 2
- Include friends that sent me a birthday card last year.
- Selection 2 - Filter 3
- Include friends that facebook or tweet me on a regular basis.
- Selection 3: Select all people from the “Work colleges” source list adding them to the “Invitees” list
- Selection 3 – Filter 1
- Include work colleges that I talk to regularly
- Selection 3 – Filter2
- Include work colleges that are just great fun to have at a party.
So we can see that selection filters are great at providing a windowed view into the “Source List”
Selection filters can be defined using both “AND” along with “OR” logic. What this means you can build selections as granular as you require. Say you wanted all the people who have blue hair, red shoes or white shirts OR all the people that are tennis fanatics and wear green pants.
Recipient and Waterfall Previews
Using “Selections” and “Selection Filters” in conjunction with Simplicity’s preview recipients and preview waterfall will provide some great insights and visibility into your counts and data.
The waterfall feature shows you the counts at each point the effect each selection and selection filter has had on the end resulting numbers.
Great when you suddenly get 3 people instead of the 12,000 you were expecting. Where did the drop off occur? What happens if I also include… and so on.
So segmentation defined, filters in place, selections run… where does it all go ?
Simplicity Worksheets
The easiest way to picture these worksheets is to imaging the lists you are building working conceptually like a spreadsheet with all the recipients for each list appearing on separate sheets.
Source Lists | | Selections & Filters | | Added to list for Segment | | Resulting Worksheet |
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![](/library/umbraco/help/training/techbyte/concepts/image040.png) |
Worksheets exist as workspace for the specific purpose of collating all the recipient data to be used within the campaign.
Ok so now we know where our selected data has gone back to our example…
So we have defined our segment “Invitees” and added everyone we want to this list.
As part of this campaign (Party) we want to create a new segment or list. This time it’s intended for a smaller audience. A select group of best friends are going to be invited to stay on after the party to enjoy a boat cruise around the harbour to wind down after the big party.
So what do we need…
- A new Segment so we can build a new list
- A new Selection, Similar to Selection 2 before where we were selecting friends
- Select all people from the “Friends” source list adding them to the “Boat Cruise” list
- Selection 4 - Filter 1
- Include friends where BFF = True.
In this example we now have two segments defined.
We are now going to send an email all the relevant people to invite them to the party and for the lucky few send a second email inviting them to stay over for the boat cruise.
So what are the considerations here ?
We need to ensure we don’t send out duplicate emails as there are a few family member that you work with. Another consideration here is that all the people on the “Boat Cruise” list are a subset of the “Invitees” list.
This is typically achieved through Dedupe Rules.
Dedupe Rules
Each dedupe rules can be defined against 1-10 individual matching fields.
Each dedupe rule can also be applied to either one, many or all segments.
Dedupe rules are processed after all the selections have been processed. At this stage no more data will be added to the worksheet.
It is important to note that deduping recipients actually physically removes them from the worksheet. These removed rows of data will not be available to any later steps in the campaign processing workflow.
Where duplicate records are identified the last entries added to the list are first entries to be removed from the list.
Eg. If the following list existed and was deduped then the following would occur.
Original List | Deduped List |
- Bob
- Bob
- Geoff
- Sally
- Geoff
- Sally
- 1. Bob
- 3. Geoff
- 4. Sally
So in our example we would create two dedupe rules.
- Dedupe Rule 1
- Applies to only the “Invitees” segment
- Dedupe on “Email Address”
- Dedupe Rule 2
- Applies to only the “Boat Cruise” segment
- Dedupe on “Email Address”
We now have our clean lists deduped and ready to email out our invitations to.
Media - Email
Each media items can be applied to either one, many or all segments.
The setup of our email media in this example becomes very simple.
We will be creating the following two emails
- Birthday Invitation – 21st Bash
- Applies to only the recipients in the “Invitees” segment
- Birthday Post Bash Boat Cruise
- Applies to only the recipients in the “Boat Cruise” segment
Once the emails have been creatively setup for both segments they will be able to be sent out.
Media Recipient Filters
Further recipient filters can be applied to email and other media within Simplicity which will allow for a further subset of recipients to be used.
Examples include:
- Perform an A/B split where 10% may receive a differing subject line to the rest for effectiveness testing.
- Selecting random recipients for additional prizes or offers.
Filters differ from dedupe rules where they do not remove the rows of data from the worksheet but create a narrowing view of the recipients list.
Campaign Recipient Filters
Campaign recipient filters allow you to present further filtering choices to users of the “Desktop Execution Wizard” or “Web Execution Wizard” to make audience choices in a friendly and humanised manner during the campaign execution process.
You could for example have a simple choice present to the user the following options:
VIP Customers |
![](/media/10289/checkedbox.png) |
New Customers Last Month |
![](/media/10285/checkbox.png) |
This Month’s Competition Winners |
![](/media/10285/checkbox.png) |
Club Members |
![](/media/10289/checkedbox.png) |
Recipient filters facilitate everything from simple choices to complex logic arrays allowing you to present friendly choices during the campaign execution process.