Entity Walk Through

New Entity Configuration Walk Through.

To build success you need to have solid foundations.

At the heart of Simplicity is a configuration layer that is central to the success and flexibility of Simplicity. Although many systems claim to be configuration based, few truely are. The training steps set out will help you to understand and unlock the benefits in using a rich configuration based solution.

Configuration Entity Walk Through Topics Index

Configuration Walk Through - Creating Entities.

Steps 1 - 26

The following walk through takes you through the process of adding entities using the example of adding a pet entity.



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Step 1




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Step 2




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Step 9



STEP 10.

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STEP 11.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 12.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 13.

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STEP 14.

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STEP 15.

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STEP 16.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 17.

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STEP 19.

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STEP 20.

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STEP 21.

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STEP 22.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 24.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 25.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 25



STEP 26.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 26


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Configuration Walk Through - Creating Relationships.

Steps 27 - 35

The following walk through takes you through the process of adding relationships using the example of a pet owner relationship.


STEP 27.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 27



STEP 28.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 28



STEP 29.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 30.

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STEP 31.

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STEP 32.

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STEP 33.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 34.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 35.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 35


Back to Topics Index.

Configuration Walk Through - Creating Explorers.

Steps 36 - 95

The following walk through takes you through the process of creating explorers.


STEP 36.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 36



STEP 37.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 37



STEP 38.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 39.

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STEP 40.

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STEP 41.

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STEP 42.

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STEP 43.

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STEP 44.

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STEP 45.

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STEP 46.

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STEP 47.

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STEP 48.

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STEP 49.

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STEP 50.

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STEP 51.

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STEP 52.

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STEP 53.

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STEP 54.

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STEP 55.

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STEP 56.

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STEP 60.

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STEP 61.

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STEP 66.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 67.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 68.

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STEP 69.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 70.

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STEP 71.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 72.

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STEP 73.

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STEP 75.

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Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 78.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 79.

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STEP 80.

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STEP 81.

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STEP 82.

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STEP 83.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 84.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 85.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 89.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 90.

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STEP 91.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 92.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 93.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 94.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 94



STEP 95.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 95


Back to Topics Index.

Configuration Walk Through - Adding Relationships to an Explorer.

Steps 96 - 110

The following walk through takes you through the process of adding relationships to an explorer using the example of a pet owner relationship.


STEP 96.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 96



STEP 97.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 97



STEP 98.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 99.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 100.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 101.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 102.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 103.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 104.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 105.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 106.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 107.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 108.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 108



STEP 109.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 109



STEP 110.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 110


Back to Topics Index.

Configuration Walk Through - Creating List Data Providers.

Steps 111 - 121

The following walk through takes you through the process of creating a list data provider using the example of a pet entity. These are used to define the data source for the find pick lists.


STEP 111.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 111



STEP 112.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 112



STEP 113.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 114.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 115.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 116.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 117.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 118.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 119.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 120.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 121.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 121


Back to Topics Index.

Configuration Walk Through - Creating List Filter Sets.

Steps 122 - 124

The following walk through takes you through the process of creating a list filter set using the example of a pet entity. These are used to define filters that can be used when navigating to find pick lists.


STEP 122.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 122



STEP 123.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 123



STEP 124.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 124


Back to Topics Index.

Configuration Walk Through - Creating Find Pick Lists.

Steps 125 - 163

The following walk through takes you through the process of creating a find pick list using the example of a pet entity.


STEP 125.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 125



STEP 126.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 127.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 128.

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STEP 129.

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STEP 130.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 131.

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STEP 132.

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STEP 133.

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STEP 134.

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STEP 135.

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STEP 136.

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STEP 137.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 138.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 139.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 140.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 141.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 142.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 143.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 144.

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STEP 145.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 146.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 147.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 148.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 149.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 150.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 151.

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STEP 152.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 153.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 154.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 155.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 156.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 157.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 158.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 159.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 160.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 161.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 162.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 163.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 163


Back to Topics Index.

Configuration Walk Through - Adding Menu Items.

Steps 164 - 167

The following walk through takes you through the process of adding a menu item to navigate to a search list.


STEP 164.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 164



STEP 165.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 165



STEP 166.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 166



STEP 167.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 167


Back to Topics Index.

Configuration Walk Through - Scripting & Publishing.

Steps 168 - 174

The following walk through takes you through the process of scripting and publishing the changes made to your configuration.


STEP 168.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 168



STEP 169.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 170.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 171.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 172.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

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STEP 173.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 173



STEP 174.

Click on the preview below to view the full image.

Step 174


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Configuration Walk Through - Reviewing Published Changes.

Steps 175 - 182

The following walk through takes you through the resulting screen shots of the published configuration changes used in the walk through example.


STEP 175.

Sample menu with new pet menu item added. Clicking this will navigate to the new pet list.

Step 175



STEP 176.

Sample pet find pick list. From here you can search for existing pets or add new ones.

Step 176



STEP 177.

Sample pet explorer used for updating or adding new pets.

Step 177



STEP 178.

You may also search for a pet of an owner by navigating to the person search list on your menu.

Step 178



STEP 179.

Enter your search criteria to locate the owner you are looking for.

Step 179



STEP 180.

Sample person explorer with the new pet relationship nodes. From here you can link a pet.

Step 180



STEP 181.

Enter your search criteria. Once you have found the pet you are looking forward click on the returned row or select the row and click pick.

Step 181



STEP 182.

Sample person explorer demonstrating the three different options for expressing relationships. (links, expanded relationships, expanded target entities)

Step 182


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