Execution Plans

Execution Plans

Execution Plans are created to import data with all processes .... Pre and post procedures can also be included in the execution plan.

Create an execution plan

Open the Execution Plan search screen from the Simplicity Toolbar.

Execution Plan

Click on the Add New Exection Plan icon in left panel of the Execution Plan search screen.

Execution Plan

Give the execution plan a relevant name.

Exclude records added after the processing starts

Leaving the Exclude records added after the processing starts unticked means records coming into the data load table once the execution plan starts running will not be included in the process. It is important to leave the value as "No" if multiple entities and relationships are being processed. Unexpected results may occur if records relying on multiple relationships are only partially processed.

Execution Plan


The required status settings will depend on how the data has been input into the Data Load Table(s). The Simplicity Standard Online Form applications defaults the input status setting to "Pending". Unless specified, the default status setting for data loaded via an import spec is "To Process". If a Pre Data Load Processing System Task is required, the status can be set to a relevant name. The pre-process captures the relevant status, runs a pre-processing task and applies the "To Process" status on completion of the pre-processing task.

For example, a pre-process task is required to clean addresses. Data input into the data load table has the process status set to "To Clean". The pre-process task processes all records set to "To Clean" and re-sets the process status to "To Process". The Execution Jobs will then process.

To Process Status

The process status required to enable the rows of data to be processed from the data load table into the database entity.

From Process Status

The current status of the rows of data in the data load table.

Source Display Value Filter

Only the rows of data with the source name specified in the Source Display Value Filter will have the process status changed. If no Source Display Value Filter is specified all data in the data load table that match the From Process Status will have their process status updated when the execution plan is run.

Wildcards (*) can be used in the Source Display Value Filter

Execution Plan


On completion of the execution process an email is sent to the person(s) nominated in the To field with details of the processes carried out in the execution plan. Information included in the email are the number of rows processed and the amount of time each process in the Execution Plan took to complete.


Person(s) to receive email notification


The server the email has been sent from.


Enter relevant subject line information for the recipient(s) of the email notification.

Execution Plan


Click the Add Job hyperlink to add an execution job. Add as many jobs as required to complete the Execution Plan process. The jobs will process in the order of the value entered in the Process Order field.

Execution Plan

Execution Plan for Import Spec

Enter a relevant job name and the process order. Select the import spec to be used for the execution job.

Execution Plan

Source Import File Location

One or many files can be loaded into a source repository for processing. Wildcards can be used in the filter to import multiple files.


Enter the Domain Name, Username and Password for files being copied from a password protected secure file location.

File Repository Work Folder

Files for processing are copied to the location specified in the Path field. Sub folders will be created as part of the processing workflow.

Execution Plan


Click on the hyperlinked text Add Match and Process Data Load Rule to add the process rules. You will need to add a separate match and process rule for every entity. In some instances a separate Match rule and a separate Process rule may need to be added if the data load process of multiple entities is reliant on a particular process order. Your account manager or Simplicity training agent will discuss this with you during your training sessions.

Execution Plan

Data Load

Choose the data load table to be processed

Execution Plan

Process Order

Enter a number value for processing order

Execution Plan

Data Load Source Filter

If a filter is not selected all data in the selected data load table that is set to "To Process" will be processed when the execution plan is run.

Choose to filter by import specification or by entering the source display value. Wild cards can be used in the Source Display Filter.

Execution Plan

Run Data Match Rules

The default value is "Yes". Untick if the match process does not need to be run for this part of the data load process.

Process Data Load Records Into Entities

The default value is "Yes". Untick if the processing of records does not need to be run for this part of the data load process.

Delete Data Load Records At Status After Processing

The default value is "Processed". This will delete all successfully processed records from the data load table. Please discuss with your account manager or Simplicity training agent if this is the best option for you. Other options are available for deleting data from data load tables after specified time frames.

Execution Plan

SAVE AND CLOSE after data load mapping has been completed.

REPEAT the above MATCH AND PROCESS DATA LOAD RULE steps until all data load entities to be processed into the database have had all match and process rules added to the execution plan.

Execution Plan


Use System tasks to manipulate or control data, pre or post data load processing.

For example: Only opted in records are to be loaded into the database. A pre-process system tasks checks the opt in field is set to "1". If the field is set to "0" the system task will change the Process Status to "To Delete" to ensure only "Pending" records have the process status changed to "To Process" when the execution plan is run.

Select the pre or post process system task from the System Task List.

Your account manager or Simplicity training agent will provide assistence on how to create a System Task.

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