CIS101: Full Customer Interaction Studio

CIS101: Full Customer Interaction Studio

Duration: Two Days
Attendees: Maximum three people.
Pre-requisites: HTML proficiency, understanding of data and campaign management and electronic messaging requirements
Where: On site at your premises or at Simplicity Training Centre Auckland
Cost: On Site Australia or NZ $2,800 per person minimum 2, At Simplicity Training Centre $2,000 per person minimum 2, Webex $2,800 per person minimum 2.
What you can expect to learn: How to set up and run a simple email or print campaign execution from simple supplied HTML with click through to existing online forms and other web sites. Able to run campaign analysis reports during and after the campaign.


  • Overview
    • Simplicity Toolbar
    • Database Entities
    • Customer Interaction Studio (CIS)
  • Campaign setup
    • Details Tab:
    • Parent and Child campaigns (Campaign hierarchy)
    • Campaign Status — implications of Inactive vs Archiving
    • Campaign Security and Media Approval
    • Execution types and Automating campaigns
    • Saving associated documentation
    • Understanding worksheets
    • Campaign Recipient options
    • Understanding campaign objective for reporting requirements and campaign activity reports/records
  • Deduping Tab
    • Source lists and filtering data:
      • Data types
      • Removal of records from worksheets
    • Segments
      • Define subsets of data
      • Controlling media and other dynamic content output
    • Previewing records
  • Deduping Tab
    • How to remove duplicate data
  • Online Library
    • Creating directories and sub folders
    • Storing images and other public information/files
  • Media Tab
    • New email - adding html and text
    • Personalisation and merge fields
    • Tracking email opens and click throughs (campaign activity)
    • Advanced tracking options
    • New Export File - file types, activity record requirements
    • New Dynamic Page – “view this email online” - publish and how use in email
  • User Defined Fields
    • Merge fields — types and usage
    • Storing images and other public information/files
  • Intelligent tracking Codes (Label Codes)
    • Unique Codes to identify an individual, a campaign and a response device — Types and usage
  • Templates / Toolbox
    • Reusing existing campaign components
  • Summary Tab
    • Getting counts/numbers from selections and de-dupe rules pre campaign execution
  • New Print Tab
    • Overview of PDF file usage
  • Testing
    • Using the Processing Tab
    • Check/Test emails before campaign deployment
    • Check export filesCreating directories and sub folders
  • Campaign execution
    • Deploy email campaign
    • Create/export data file
Australia - New Zealand