Web Service Technical

Data Integration Web Services Whitepaper - Technical


The Simplicity Data Integration web services provide the means of interacting with customer data, campaign activities, email services and any configured entity access.

This includes the creation, deletion and maintance of data (such as names or email addresses in a person entity) and the creation, deletion and maintance of relationships (such as a person employed in an organization). It also includes the ability to create campaign activity, and send emails. For a more detailed explanation, please see below.

Campaign activity services are used to insert campaign activity (in the form of emails, exports, and surveys) against an entity. These services are located via the URL format below located relative to the client’s SCIS website. This service can be delivered via http or https with the use of a SSL certificate where required.


Email services are used to send emails. These emails can be for campaigns, from templates, delayed, or a mixture of these options. These services are located via the URL format below located relative to the client’s SCIS website. This service can be delivered via http or https with the use of a SSL certificate where required.


Survey answer services are used to store the answers of an online survey against an entity (such as a person). This is helpful for analyzing data, and keeping historical records of each user. This service can be delivered via http or https with the use of a SSL certificate where required.


Entity interaction services are used to select and manipulate data held within the attributes of entities (such as a person entity, or an organization entity). These services are located via the URL format below located relative to the client’s SCIS website. This service can be delivered via http or https with the use of a SSL certificate where required.

The first example provided illustrates a person entity service configured to have all available data attributes available to interact with.


The second example provided illustrates a second person entity service configured to have a small subset of the available data attributes available to interact with.


The third example provided illustrates an organisation entity service configured to have a small subset of data attributes available to interact with.


Any other required entities would be configured with a URL as illustrated below.


Stored Procedure services are used to integrate additional functionality that currently exists within a clients Simplicity version. This allows stored procedures (such as “Household_Program_Dedupe”) to be integrated seamlessly as a Web Service method. If there is a stored procedure that you would like exposted to Web services, please contact your Simplicity Account Manager.

Selection Via List Functionality can be used to return a list that may contain attributes from multiple related entities in a record, as opposed to elements from a single entity. If you would like this functionality exposed to Web Services, please contact your Simplicity Account Manager.

Accessibility Diagram

The web services are accessed via standard web requests as illustrated.

The web services are accessed via standard web requests as illustrated.

Campaign Activity Web Service Method Definitions

The following methods provide the means to create associated campaign activity records against people or other required entities in Simplicity. This web service is accessed via http on port 80 or https on port 443 at the following url relative to the client’s SCIS website:


  • Creating a Campaign Activity Object
  • InsertActivity
  • InsertEmailActivity
  • InsertExportActivity
  • InsertSurveyActivity
  • InsertActivity with Campaign List
  • InsertEmailActivity with Campaign List
  • InsertExportActivity with Campaign List
  • InsertSurveyActivity with Campaign List
  • CampaignActivity Result/Error Codes

Creating a Campaign Activity Object

This method is used to create a CampaignActivity Service object in VB.NET using the following code:

(Assumes the web reference is named ‘CampaignActivityService’)

Dim campaignactivitysvc As CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

campaignactivitysvc = New CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

Web Service Method – InsertActivity

This method is used to insert Activity against an entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

The campaign which the Inserted Activity will be associated with. If the campaign does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaigns with the same name exist, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Activity will not be inserted.

CampaignSegmentName: The campaign segment which the Inserted Activity will be associated with. If the campaign segment does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaign segments with the same name exist for the given campaign, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Activity will not be inserted.
ActivityType: The Type of the Activity being inserted.
ActivitySubType: The Subtype of the Acitivity being inserted.

The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public ClassCreateCampaignActivityResult

Property CampaignAcitivtyRSN() As String

Property CampaignListRSN() As String

Property ErrorCode() As Integer

End Class

Sample Code (In VB.Net)

' Create the CampaignActivity Service

Dim campaignActivitySvc As CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

campaignActivitySvc = New CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

' Create the LogAgainstEntities object

Dim logAgainstList As New CampaignActivityService.CampaignListEntity

' Insert the activity

Dim campaignActivityResults As CampaignActivityService.CreateCampaignActivityResult

campaignActivityResults = campaignActivitySvc.InsertActivity (token, campaignName, campaignSegmentName, activityType, activitySubType, logAgainstList)

Web Service Method – InsertEmailActivity

This method is used to insert Email Campaign Activity against an entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

The campaign which the Inserted Activity will be associated with. If the campaign does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaigns with the same name exist, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Activity will not be inserted.

CampaignSegmentName: The campaign segment which the Inserted Activity will be associated with. If the campaign segment does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaign segments with the same name exist for the given campaign, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Activity will not be inserted.
ActivityType: The Type of the Email Activity being inserted.
EmailAddress: The Email Address that this Activity will be associated with
LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public ClassCreateCampaignActivityResult

Property CampaignAcitivtyRSN() As String

Property CampaignListRSN() As String

Property ErrorCode() As Integer

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the CampaignActivity Service

Dim campaignActivitySvc As CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

campaignActivitySvc = New CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

' Create the LogAgainstEntities object

Dim logAgainstList As New CampaignActivityService.CampaignListEntity

' Insert the email activity

Dim campaignEmailActivityResults As CampaignActivityService.CreateCampaignActivityResult

campaignEmailActivityResults = campaignActivitySvc.InsertEmailActivity (token, campaignName, campaignSegmentName, activityType, emailAddress, logAgainstList)

Web Service Method – InsertExportActivity

This method is used to insert Export Campaign Activity against an entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.
CampaignName: The campaign which the Inserted Activity will be associated with. If the campaign does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaigns with the same name exist, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Activity will not be inserted.
CampaignSegmentName: The campaign segment which the Inserted Activity will be associated with. If the campaign segment does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaign segments with the same name exist for the given campaign, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Activity will not be inserted.
ActivityType: The Type of the Activity being inserted.
LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public ClassCreateCampaignActivityResult

Property CampaignAcitivtyRSN() As String

Property CampaignListRSN() As String

Property ErrorCode() As Integer

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the CampaignActivity Service

Dim campaignActivitySvc As CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

campaignActivitySvc = New CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

' Create the LogAgainstEntities object

Dim logAgainstList As New CampaignActivityService.CampaignListEntity

' Insert the export activity

Dim campaignExportActivityResults As CampaignActivityService.CreateCampaignActivityResult

campaignExportActivityResults = campaignActivitySvc.InsertExportActivity (token, campaignName, campaignSegmentName, activityType, logAgainstList)

Web Service Method – InsertSurveyActivity

This method is used to insert Survey Campaign Activity against an entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.
CampaignName: The campaign which the Inserted Activity will be associated with. If the campaign does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaigns with the same name exist, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Activity will not be inserted.
CampaignSegmentName: The campaign segment which the Inserted Activity will be associated with. If the campaign segment does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaign segments with the same name exist for the given campaign, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Activity will not be inserted.
ActivityType: The Type of the Activity being inserted.
SurveyName: The name of the survey this activity will be associated with.
LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public ClassCreateCampaignActivityResult

Property CampaignAcitivtyRSN() As String

Property CampaignListRSN() As String

Property ErrorCode() As Integer

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the CampaignActivity Service

Dim campaignActivitySvc As CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

campaignActivitySvc = New CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

' Create the LogAgainstEntities object

Dim logAgainstList As New CampaignActivityService.CampaignListEntity

' Insert the survey activity

Dim campaignSurveyActivityResults As CampaignActivityService.CreateCampaignActivityResult

campaignSurveyActivityResults = campaignActivitySvc.InsertSurveyActivity (token, campaignName, campaignSegmentName, activityType, surveyName, logAgainstList)

Web Service Method – InsertActivityWithCampaignList

This method is used to insert Activity against an entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.
CampaignSegmentRSN: The unique id (a GUID) of the campaign segment which the Inserted Activity will be associated with.
CampaignListRSN: This is the unique indenifier (a GUID) for the Campaign List associated with the inserted Activity. A Campaign List is a list the holds the relationships between the campaign, the user, any activities or associated codes.
ActivityType: The Type of the Activity being inserted.
ActivitySubType: The Subtype of the Acitivity being inserted.
LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public ClassCreateCampaignActivityResult

Property CampaignAcitivtyRSN() As String

Property CampaignListRSN() As String

Property ErrorCode() As Integer

End Class

Sample Code (In VB.Net)

' Create the CampaignActivity Service

Dim campaignActivitySvc As CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

campaignActivitySvc = New CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

' Create the LogAgainstEntities object

Dim logAgainstList As New CampaignActivityService.CampaignListEntity

' Insert the activity

Dim campaignActivityResults As CampaignActivityService.CreateCampaignActivityResult

campaignActivityResults = campaignActivitySvc.InsertActivity (token, CampaignSegmentRSN campaignListRSN, activityType, activitySubType, logAgainstList)

Web Service Method – InsertEmailActivityWithCampaignList

This method is used to insert Email Campaign Activity against an entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.
CampaignSegmentRSN: The unique id (a GUID) of the campaign segment which the Inserted Activity will be associated with.
CampaignListRSN: This is the unique indenifier (a GUID) for the Campaign List associated with the inserted Activity. A Campaign List is a list the holds the relationships between the campaign, the user, any activities or associated codes.
ActivityType: The Type of the Activity being inserted.
EmailAddress: The Email Address that this Activity will be associated with
LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public ClassCreateCampaignActivityResult

Property CampaignAcitivtyRSN() As String

Property CampaignListRSN() As String

Property ErrorCode() As Integer

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the CampaignActivity Service

Dim campaignActivitySvc As CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

campaignActivitySvc = New CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

' Create the LogAgainstEntities object

Dim logAgainstList As New CampaignActivityService.CampaignListEntity

' Insert the email activity

Dim campaignEmailActivityResults As CampaignActivityService.CreateCampaignActivityResult

campaignEmailActivityResults = campaignActivitySvc.InsertEmailActivity (token, campaignSegmentRSN, campaignListRSN, activityType, emailAddress, logAgainstList)

Web Service Method – InsertExportActivityWithCampaignList

This method is used to insert Export Campaign Activity against an entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.
CampaignSegmentRSN: The campaign segment which the Inserted Activity will be associated with. If the campaign segment does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaign segments with the same name exist for the given campaign, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Activity will not be inserted.
CampaignListRSN: This is the unique indenifier (a GUID) for the Campaign List associated with the inserted Activity. A Campaign List is a list the holds the relationships between the campaign, the user, any activities or associated codes.
ActivityType: The Type of the Activity being inserted.
LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public ClassCreateCampaignActivityResult

Property CampaignAcitivtyRSN() As String

Property CampaignListRSN() As String

Property ErrorCode() As Integer

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the CampaignActivity Service

Dim campaignActivitySvc As CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

campaignActivitySvc = New CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

' Create the LogAgainstEntities object

Dim logAgainstList As New CampaignActivityService.CampaignListEntity

' Insert the export activity

Dim campaignExportActivityResults As CampaignActivityService.CreateCampaignActivityResult

campaignExportActivityResults = campaignActivitySvc.InsertExportActivity (token, CampaignSegmentRSN, CampaignListRSN, activityType, logAgainstList)

Web Service Method – InsertSurveyActivityWithCampaignList

This method is used to insert Survey Campaign Activity against an entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.
CampaignSegmentRSN: The campaign segment which the Inserted Activity will be associated with. If the campaign segment does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaign segments with the same name exist for the given campaign, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Activity will not be inserted.
CampaignListRSN: This is the unique indenifier (a GUID) for the Campaign List associated with the inserted Activity. A Campaign List is a list the holds the relationships between the campaign, the user, any activities or associated codes.
ActivityType: The Type of the Activity being inserted.
SurveyName: The name of the survey this activity will be associated with.
LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public ClassCreateCampaignActivityResult

Property CampaignAcitivtyRSN() As String

Property CampaignListRSN() As String

Property ErrorCode() As Integer

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the CampaignActivity Service

Dim campaignActivitySvc As CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

campaignActivitySvc = New CampaignActivityService.CampaignActivitySvc

' Create the LogAgainstEntities object

Dim logAgainstList As New CampaignActivityService.CampaignListEntity

' Insert the survey activity

Dim campaignSurveyActivityResults As CampaignActivityService.CreateCampaignActivityResult

campaignSurveyActivityResults = campaignActivitySvc.InsertSurveyActivity (token, CampaignSegmentRSN, CampaignListRSN, activityType, surveyName, logAgainstList)

CampaignActivity Web Service – Result/Error Codes

‘Label Code’ refers to the Token as it is stored in the database, ‘Token’ refers to the Token as it is stored in the passport application

0 OK

1001 Exception

1003 Ambiguous Campaign

1005 Ambiguous Campaign Segment

1016 Invalid Campaign List

3001 Invalid Token

3007 Insufficient Privileges

4000 Campaign List Exception

4010 Campaign List Entity Exception

4020 Campaign List Activity Exception

Email Web Service Method Definitions

The following methods provide the means to create and send emails in Simplicity. This web service is accessed via http on port 80 or https on port 443 at the following url relative to the client’s SCIS website:


  • Creating an Email Object
  • SelectEmailStatusById
  • SendDelayedEmail
  • SendDelayedEmailForCampaign
  • SendDelayedEmailFromTemplate
  • SendDelayedEmailFromTemplate2 (With Merge Label Codes)
  • SendDelayedEmailFromTemplateForCampaign
  • SendDelayedEmailFromTemplateForCampaign 2 (With Merge Label Codes)
  • SendEmail
  • SendEmailForCampaign
  • SendEmailFromTemplate
  • SendEmailFromTemplate 2 (With Merge Label Codes)
  • SendEmailFromTemplateForCampaign
  • SendEmailFromTemplateForCampaign 2 (With Merge Label Codes)
  • Email Result/Error Codes

Creating an Email Object

This method is used to create an Email object in VB.Net using the following code:

(Assumes the web reference is named ‘EmailService’)

Dim emailsvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailsvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

Web Service Method – SelectEmailStatusById

This method returns an email object of class ‘QueryEmailResult’ when searching with an emailID.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

ID: The ID of the Email to be queried.


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class QueryEmailResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

Property Status As String

Property SendAttempts As Integer

Property Sent As Boolean

Property SentOn As DateTime

Property SentBy As String

Property QueuedOn As DateTime

Property QueuedBy As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the email Service

Dim emailSvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailSvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

' Search on the client ID.

Dim emailResults As EmailService.QueryEmailResult

emailResults = emailSvc.SelectEmailStatusByID(token, emailId)

Web Service Method – SendDelayedEmail

This method is used to delay an email which is to be sent.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Email: The Email to be queued for sending. Contains the following properties:

Public Class Email

Property To As String

Property Cc As String

Property Bcc As String

Property From As String

Property ReplyTo As String

Property Subject As String

Property BodyText As String

Property BodyHtml As String

End Class

SendAfter: The date after which the email will be sent.


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SendEmailResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the email Service

Dim emailSvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailSvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

' Queue a delayed email

Dim emailResults As EmailService.SendEmailResult

emailResults = emailSvc.SendDelayedEmail(token, email, sendAfter)

Web Service Method – SendDelayedEmailForCampaign

This method is used to delay an email which is to be sent for a campaign.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

CampaignName: The campaign which the Queued Email will be associated with. If the campaign does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaigns with the same name exist, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Email will not be queued.

CampaignSegmentName: The campaign segment which the Queued Email will be associated with. If the campaign segment does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaign segments with the same name exist for the given campaign, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Email will not be queued.

Email: The Email to be queued for sending. Contains the following properties:

Public Class Email

Property To As String

Property Cc As String

Property Bcc As String

Property From As String

Property ReplyTo As String

Property Subject As String

Property BodyText As String

Property BodyHtml As String

End Class

SendAfter: The date after which the email will be sent.

LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SendEmailResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the email Service

Dim emailsvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailsvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

' Create the LogAgainstEntity object

Dim entityList As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Send a delayed email for a campaign

Dim emailResults As EmailService.SendEmailResult

emailResults = emailsvc.SendDelayedEmailForCampaign(token, campaignName, campaignSegmentName, email, sendAfter, entityList)

Web Service Method – SendDelayedEmailFromTemplate

This method is used to delay an email which is to be sent from a template.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

EmailTemplate: The name of the Email Template to be queued.

SendAfter: The date after which the email will be sent.

MergeEntities: The list of entities to be merged into the Email Template. MergeEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SendEmailResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the email Service

Dim emailsvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailsvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

' Create the MergeEntities object

Dim mergeEntities As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Send a delayed email from a template

Dim emailResults As EmailService.SendEmailResult

emailResults = emailsvc.SendDelayedEmailFromTemplate(token, emailTemplate, sendAfter, mergeEntities)

Web Service Method – SendDelayedEmailFromTemplate 2 (With Merge Label Codes)

This method is used to delay an email which is to be sent from a template.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

EmailTemplate: The name of the Email Template to be queued.

SendAfter: The date after which the email will be sent.

MergeEntities: The list of entities to be merged into the Email Template. MergeEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class

LabelCodes: The merge codes which allow information in the email to be personalized to the user. LabelCodes are an array of the following properties:

Public Class MergeLabelCodes

Property LabelCode As String

Property LabelCodeName As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SendEmailResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the email Service

Dim emailsvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailsvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

' Create the MergeEntities object

Dim mergeEntities As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Create the Label Codes object

Dim labelCodes As New EmailService.MergeLabelCode

' Send a delayed email from a template

Dim emailResults As EmailService.SendEmailResult

emailResults = emailsvc.SendDelayedEmailFromTemplate(token, emailTemplate, sendAfter, mergeEntities, labelCodes)

Web Service Method – SendDelayedEmailFromTemplateForCampaign

This method is used to delay an email which is to be sent from a template for a campaign.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

CampaignName: The campaign which the Queued Email will be associated with. If the campaign does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaigns with the same name exist, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Email will not be queued.

CampaignSegmentName: The campaign segment which the Queued Email will be associated with. If the campaign segment does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaign segments with the same name exist for the given campaign, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Email will not be queued.

EmailTemplate: The name of the Email Template to be queued.

SendAfter: The date after which the email will be sent.

MergeEntities: The list of entities to be merged into the Email Template. MergeEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class

LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SendEmailResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the email Service

Dim emailSvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailSvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

' Create the MergeEntites object

Dim mergeEntities As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Create the LogAgainstEntities object

Dim logEntities As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Queue a delayed template email for campaign

Dim emailResults As EmailService.SendEmailResult

emailResults = emailSvc.SendDelayedEmailFromTemplateForCampaign(token, campaignName, campaignSegmentName, emailTemplate, sendAfter, mergeEntities, logEntities)

Web Service Method – SendDelayedEmailFromTemplateForCampaign 2 (with Merge Label Codes)

This method is used to delay an email which is to be sent from a template for a campaign.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

CampaignName: The campaign which the Queued Email will be associated with. If the campaign does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaigns with the same name exist, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Email will not be queued.

CampaignSegmentName: The campaign segment which the Queued Email will be associated with. If the campaign segment does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaign segments with the same name exist for the given campaign, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Email will not be queued.

EmailTemplate: The name of the Email Template to be queued.

SendAfter: The date after which the email will be sent.

MergeEntities: The list of entities to be merged into the Email Template. MergeEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class

LabelCodes: The merge codes which allow information in the email to be personalized to the user. LabelCodes are an array of the following properties:

Public Class MergeLabelCodes

Property LabelCode As String

Property LabelCodeName As String

End Class

LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SendEmailResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the email Service

Dim emailSvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailSvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

' Create the MergeEntites object

Dim mergeEntities As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Create the LogAgainstEntities object

Dim logEntities As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Create the Label Codes object

Dim labelCodes As New EmailService.MergeLabelCode

' Queue a delayed template email for campaign

Dim emailResults As EmailService.SendEmailResult

emailResults = emailSvc.SendDelayedEmailFromTemplateForCampaign(token, campaignName, campaignSegmentName, emailTemplate, sendAfter, mergeEntities, labelCodes, logEntities)

Web Service Method – SendEmail

This method is used to send an email.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Email: The Email to be queued for sending. Contains the following properties:

Public Class Email

Property To As String

Property Cc As String

Property Bcc As String

Property From As String

Property ReplyTo As String

Property Subject As String

Property BodyText As String

Property BodyHtml As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SendEmailResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the email Service

Dim emailsvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailsvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

' Send an email

Dim emailResults As EmailService.SendEmailResult emailResults = emailsvc.SendEmail(token, Email)

Web Service Method – SendEmailForCampaign

This method is used to send an email for a campaign.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

CampaignName: The campaign which the Queued Email will be associated with. If the campaign does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaigns with the same name exist, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Email will not be queued.

CampaignSegmentName: The campaign segment which the Queued Email will be associated with. If the campaign segment does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaign segments with the same name exist for the given campaign, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Email will not be queued.

Email: The Email to be queued for sending. Contains the following properties:

Public Class Email

Property To As String

Property Cc As String

Property Bcc As String

Property From As String

Property ReplyTo As String

Property Subject As String

Property BodyText As String

Property BodyHtml As String

End Class

LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SendEmailResult

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

Sample code demonstrates obtaining a valid token and sending a campaign email

Web Service Method – SendEmailFromTemplate

This method is used to send an email from a template.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

EmailTemplate: The name of the Email Template to be queued for immediate sending.

MergeEntities: The list of entities to be merged into the Email Template. MergeEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SendEmailResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the email Service

Dim emailsvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailsvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

' Create the MergeEntity object

Dim entityList As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Queue a template email

Dim emailResults As EmailService.SendEmailResult

emailResults = emailsvc.SendEmailFromTemplate(token, emailTemplate, entityList)

Web Service Method – SendEmailFromTemplate 2 (with Merge Label Codes)

This method is used to send an email from a template.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

EmailTemplate: The name of the Email Template to be queued for immediate sending.

MergeEntities: The list of entities to be merged into the Email Template. MergeEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class

LabelCodes: The merge codes which allow information in the email to be personalized to the user. LabelCodes are an array of the following properties:

Public Class MergeLabelCodes

Property LabelCode As String

Property LabelCodeName As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SendEmailResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the email Service

Dim emailsvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailsvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

' Create the MergeEntity object

Dim entityList As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Create the Label Codes object

Dim labelCodes As New EmailService.MergeLabelCode

' Queue a template email

Dim emailResults As EmailService.SendEmailResult

emailResults = emailsvc.SendEmailFromTemplate(token, emailTemplate, entityList, labelCodes)

Web Service Method – SendEmailFromTemplateForCampaign

This method is used to send an email from a template for a campaign.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

CampaignName: The campaign which the Queued Email will be associated with. If the campaign does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaigns with the same name exist, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Email will not be queued.

CampaignSegmentName: The campaign segment which the Queued Email will be associated with. If the campaign segment does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaign segments with the same name exist for the given campaign, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Email will not be queued.

EmailTemplate: The name of the Email Template to be queued for immediate sending.

MergeEntities: The list of entities to be merged into the Email Template. MergeEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class

LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SendEmailResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the email Service

Dim emailsvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailsvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

' Create the MergeEntities object

Dim mergeEntities As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Create the LogAgainstEntities object

Dim logEntities As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Send a template email for campaign

Dim emailResults As EmailService.SendEmailResult

emailResults = emailsvc.SendEmailFromTemplateForCampaign(token, campaignName, campaignSegmentName, emailTemplate, mergeEntities, logEntities)

Web Service Method – SendEmailFromTemplateForCampaign 2 (With Merge Label Codes)

This method is used to send an email from a template for a campaign.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

CampaignName: The campaign which the Queued Email will be associated with. If the campaign does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaigns with the same name exist, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Email will not be queued.

CampaignSegmentName: The campaign segment which the Queued Email will be associated with. If the campaign segment does not exist it will be created. If it is blank or ambiguous, i.e. multiple campaign segments with the same name exist for the given campaign, no campaign tracking is initiated and the Email will not be queued.

EmailTemplate: The name of the Email Template to be queued for immediate sending.

MergeEntities: The list of entities to be merged into the Email Template. MergeEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class

LabelCodes: The merge codes which allow information in the email to be personalized to the user. LabelCodes are an array of the following properties:

Public Class MergeLabelCodes

Property LabelCode As String

Property LabelCodeName As String

End Class

LogAgainstEntities: The list of entities that the campaign activities will be logged against. This list can be empty. LogAgainstEntities is an array of the following properties:

Public Class CampaignListEntity

Property EntityType As String

Property EntityRSN As String

End Class


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SendEmailResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property EmailID As Int64

Property MessageID As String

Property CampaignListRSN As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create the email Service

Dim emailsvc As EmailService.EmailSvc

emailsvc = New EmailService.EmailSvc

' Create the MergeEntities object

Dim mergeEntities As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Create the LogAgainstEntities object

Dim logEntities As New EmailService.CampaignListEntity

' Create the Label Codes object

Dim labelCodes As New EmailService.MergeLabelCode

' Send a template email for campaign

Dim emailResults As EmailService.SendEmailResult

emailResults = emailsvc.SendEmailFromTemplateForCampaign(token, campaignName, campaignSegmentName, emailTemplate, mergeEntities, labelCodes, logEntities)

Email Web Service – Result/Error Codes

‘Label Code’ refers to the Token as it is stored in the database, ‘Token’ refers to the Token as it is stored in the passport application

0 OK

1001 Exception

1003 Ambiguous Campaign

1005 Ambiguous Campaign Segment

1016 Invalid Campaign List

3001 Invalid Token

3007 Insufficient Privileges

4000 Campaign List Exception

4010 Campaign List Entity Exception

4030 Email Send Exception

4040 Email Merge Exception

Survey Answers Web Service Method Definitions

The following methods provide the means to select and create survey answer records against entities (such as a person, or organisation) in Simplicity. This web service is accessed via http on port 80 or https on port 443 at the following url relative to the client’s SCIS website:


  • Creating a Survey Answer Object
  • Insert
  • InsertRange
  • SelectByCampaignListRSN
  • SelectByDedupeKey
  • SelectByLabelCode
  • SelectByRSN
  • SelectBySurveyInstanceRSN
  • SelectDedupeKeyCount

Creating a Survey Answer Object

This method is used to create a SurveyAnswer Service object in VB.NET using the following code:

(Assumes the web reference is named ‘SurveyAnswerService’)

Dim surveyanswersvc As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

surveyanswersvc = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

Web Service Method – Insert

This method is used to insert a survey answer record into Simplicity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

SurveyAnswer: A survey answer object which contains the following properties:

Public Class SurveyAnswer

Property RSN As String

Property DisplayValue As String

Property Survey_RSN As String

Property Parent_RSN As String

Property SurveyInstance_RSN As String

Property OnlineForm_RSN As String

Property DateTime As Date

Property KeyCode As Date

Property LabelCode As Date

Property Page_Index As Date

Property Survey_Index As Date

Property SurveyInstance_DedupeKey As Date

Property Answers As Answers

End Class

Public Class Answers

Property SurveyAnswerField As SurveyAnswerField

End Class

Public Class SurveyAnswerField

Property FieldName as String

Property Value

End Class


RSN: This is the unique identifier (a GUID) of this Survey Answer Record (this field is a required field).

DisplayValue: This is a string that appears in the Simplicity Explorers for this record. This is usually the name of the survey.

Survey_RSN: This is the unique indentifier (a GUID) of the Survey.

Parent_RSN: This is the entity to which the survey answer record will be linked to. For example, if a survey is about a person’s lifestyle choices you may want to link it to the person who filled it out, and you will store the persons RSN in this field.

SurveyInstance_RSN: This is the unique identifier (a GUID) for this instance of the survey, and its unique answers.

OnlineForm_RSN: This is the unique indentifer (a GUID) for the online form attached to this survey. An online form is made of surveys.

DateTime: This is the date and times that the survey answers were completed.

KeyCode: This is a unique code that allows users paths to the survey to be tracked. Website tiles or emails may pass through a unique keycode that may be helpful for analysis at a later date.

LabelCode: A labelcode is a unique code that allows an entity (such as a person) to be linked back to a record within Simplicity.

Page_Index: This is the page order number that the survey answered appears on (an online form may be made of up multiple pages, and there may be multiple surveys on a page)

Survey_Index: This is the survey order number that the survey answered appears in.

SurveyInstance_DedupeKey: This is a field used to prevent a user from entering a survey multiple times.

FieldName: This is the survey answer field field name. This MUST match what has been set up on the survey in Simplicity. (It will look something like 00001).

Value: This is the value that the user has entered.


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class InsertResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property RSN as String

Property SurveyInstance_RSN as String

Property LogAgainst_RSN as String

Property Survey_Index as Integer

Property PageIndex as Integer

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create new survey answer service

Dim surveyAnswerSvc As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

surveyAnswerSvc = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

' Create answers

Dim answers(1) As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerField

answers(1) = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerField

answers(0).FieldName = "00001"

answers(0).Value = "Answer to be stored against this field"

' Create survey answers

Dim surveyAnswers As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswer

surveyAnswers = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswer

' Assign values

' Please note not all values have been populated. Please populate these yourself.

surveyAnswers.RSN = Guid.NewGuid.ToString

surveyAnswers.DisplayValue = "Survey Display Value"

surveyAnswers.Date = Today.Date()

surveyAnswers.Answers = answers

Dim insertResults As SurveyAnswerService.InsertResult

insertResults = surveyAnswerSvc.Insert(token, surveyAnswers)

Web Service Method – Insert Range

This method is used to insert a multiple of survey answer records into Simplicity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

SurveyAnswers: A survey answer object which contains the following properties:

Public Class SurveyAnswer

Property RSN As String

Property DisplayValue As String

Property Survey_RSN As String

Property Parent_RSN As String

Property SurveyInstance_RSN As String

Property OnlineForm_RSN As String

Property DateTime As Date

Property KeyCode As Date

Property LabelCode As Date

Property Page_Index As Date

Property Survey_Index As Date

Property SurveyInstance_DedupeKey As Date

Property Answers As Answers

End Class

Public Class Answers

Property SurveyAnswerField As SurveyAnswerField

End Class


RSN: This is the unique identifier (a GUID) of this Survey Answer Record (this field is a required field).

DisplayValue: This is a string that appears in the Simplicity Explorers for this record. This is usually the name of the survey.

Survey_RSN: This is the unique indentifier (a GUID) of the Survey.

Parent_RSN: This is the entity to which the survey answer record will be linked to. For example, if a survey is about a person’s lifestyle choices you may want to link it to the person who filled it out, and you will store the persons RSN in this field.

SurveyInstance_RSN: This is the unique identifier (a GUID) for this instance of the survey, and its unique answers.

OnlineForm_RSN: This is the unique indentifer (a GUID) for the online form attached to this survey. An online form is made of surveys.

DateTime: This is the date and times that the survey answers were completed.

KeyCode: This is a unique code that allows users paths to the survey to be tracked. Website tiles or emails may pass through a unique keycode that may be helpful for analysis at a later date.

LabelCode: A labelcode is a unique code that allows an entity (such as a person) to be linked back to a record within Simplicity.

Page_Index: This is the page order number that the survey answered appears on (an online form may be made of up multiple pages, and there may be multiple surveys on a page)

Survey_Index: This is the survey order number that the survey answered appears in.

SurveyInstance_DedupeKey: This is a field used to prevent a user from entering a survey multiple times.


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class InsertResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property RSN as String

Property SurveyInstance_RSN as String

Property LogAgainst_RSN as String

Property Survey_Index as Integer

Property Page_Index as Integer

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create new survey answer service object

Dim surveyAnswerSvc As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

surveyAnswerSvc = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

' Create answers

Dim answers() As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerField

answers(0) = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerField

answers(0).FieldName = "00001"

answers(0).Value = "Answer to be stored against this field"

' Create survey answers

Dim surveyAnswers() As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswer

surveyAnswers(0) = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswer

' Assign values

' Please note not all values have been populated. Please populate these yourself.

surveyAnswers(0).RSN = Guid.NewGuid.ToString

surveyAnswers(0).DisplayValue = "Survey Display Value"

surveyAnswers(0).Date = Today.Date()

surveyAnswers(0).Answers = answers

Dim insertResults As SurveyAnswerService.InsertRangeResult

insertResults = surveyAnswerSvc.InsertRange(token, surveyAnswers)

Web Service Method – SelectByCampaignListRSN

This method allows a selection of Survey Answer records based on the Campaign List RSN and the Online Form RSN.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

OnlineForm_RSN: The unique identifier (a GUID) of the online form associated with the survey.

CampaignList_RSN: The unique identifier (a GUID) of the campaign List, which is a list which relates entities (such as a person) to things like label codes and campaigns.

FieldNames: These are the names of the fields


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SelectSurveyAnswerResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property RSN as String

Property DisplayValue as String

Property Survey_RSN as String

Property Parent_RSN as String

Property SurveyInstance_RSN as String

Property OnlineForm_RSN as String

Property DateTime as DateTime

Property KeyCode as String

Property LabelCode as String

Property Page_Index as Integer

Property Survey_Index as Integer

Property SurveyInstance_DedupeKey as String

Property CreatedOn as DateTime

Property ModifiedOn as DateTime

Property ModifiedBy as String

Property Answers

End Class

Sample Code

' Create new survey answer service object

Dim surveyAnswerSvc As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

surveyAnswerSvc = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

' Search via dedupe key

Dim insertResults As SurveyAnswerService.SelectSurveyAnswersResult

insertResults = surveyAnswerSvc.SelectByCampaignListRSN(token, onlineFormRSN, campaignListRSN, fieldNames)

Web Service Method – SelectByDedupeKey

This method allows a selection of Survey Answer records based on the DedupeKey


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

OnlineForm_RSN: The unique identifier (a GUID) of the online form associated with the survey.

DedupeKey: This is a string of the Dedupe Key (the name of the field you’d like to dedupe against)

FieldNames: These are the names of the fields


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SelectSurveyAnswerResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property RSN as String

Property DisplayValue as String

Property Survey_RSN as String

Property Parent_RSN as String

Property SurveyInstance_RSN as String

Property OnlineForm_RSN as String

Property DateTime as DateTime

Property KeyCode as String

Property LabelCode as String

Property Page_Index as Integer

Property Survey_Index as Integer

Property SurveyInstance_DedupeKey as String

Property CreatedOn as DateTime

Property ModifiedOn as DateTime

Property ModifiedBy as String

Property Answers

End Class

Sample Code

' Create new survey answer service object

Dim surveyAnswerSvc As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

surveyAnswerSvc = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

' Search via dedupe key

Dim insertResults As SurveyAnswerService.SelectSurveyAnswersResult

insertResults = surveyAnswerSvc.SelectByDedupeKey(token, onlineFormRSN, dedupeKey, fieldNames)

Web Service Method – SelectByLabelCode

This method allows a selection of Survey Answer records based on the DedupeKey


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

OnlineForm_RSN: The unique identifier (a GUID) of the online form associated with the survey.

LabelCode: This is the label code (a unique string used to link an entity to a form or email)

FieldNames: These are the names of the fields


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SelectSurveyAnswerResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property RSN as String

Property DisplayValue as String

Property Survey_RSN as String

Property Parent_RSN as String

Property SurveyInstance_RSN as String

Property OnlineForm_RSN as String

Property DateTime as DateTime

Property KeyCode as String

Property LabelCode as String

Property Page_Index as Integer

Property Survey_Index as Integer

Property SurveyInstance_DedupeKey as String

Property CreatedOn as DateTime

Property ModifiedOn as DateTime

Property ModifiedBy as String

Property Answers

End Class

Sample Code

' Create new survey answer service object

Dim surveyAnswerSvc As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

surveyAnswerSvc = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

' Search via labelcode

Dim insertResults As SurveyAnswerService.SelectSurveyAnswersResult

insertResults = surveyAnswerSvc.SelectByLabelCode(token, onlineFormRSN, LabelCode, fieldNames)

Web Service Method – SelectSurveyInstance

This method allows a selection of Survey Answer records based on the DedupeKey


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

OnlineForm_RSN: The unique identifier (a GUID) of the online form associated with the survey.

SurveyInstance_RSN: The unique identifier (a GUID) of an instance of the Survey Answers

FieldNames: These are the names of the fields


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SelectSurveyAnswerResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property RSN as String

Property DisplayValue as String

Property Survey_RSN as String

Property Parent_RSN as String

Property SurveyInstance_RSN as String

Property OnlineForm_RSN as String

Property DateTime as DateTime

Property KeyCode as String

Property LabelCode as String

Property Page_Index as Integer

Property Survey_Index as Integer

Property SurveyInstance_DedupeKey as String

Property CreatedOn as DateTime

Property ModifiedOn as DateTime

Property ModifiedBy as String

Property Answers

End Class

Sample Code

' Create new survey answer service object

Dim surveyAnswerSvc As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

surveyAnswerSvc = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

' Search via survey instance

Dim insertResults As SurveyAnswerService.SelectSurveyAnswersResult

insertResults = surveyAnswerSvc.SelectByLabelCode(token, onlineFormRSN, surveyInstanceRSN, fieldNames)

Web Service Method – SelectByRSN

This method allows a selection of Survey Answer records based on the DedupeKey


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The unique identifier (a GUID) of the survey answer record.

FieldNames: These are the names of the fields


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SelectByRSNResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property RSN as String

Property DisplayValue as String

Property Survey_RSN as String

Property Parent_RSN as String

Property SurveyInstance_RSN as String

Property OnlineForm_RSN as String

Property DateTime as DateTime

Property KeyCode as String

Property LabelCode as String

Property Page_Index as Integer

Property Survey_Index as Integer

Property SurveyInstance_DedupeKey as String

Property CreatedOn as DateTime

Property ModifiedOn as DateTime

Property ModifiedBy as String

Property Answers

End Class

Public Class Answers

Property SurveyAnswerField As SurveyAnswerField

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create new survey answer service object

Dim surveyAnswerSvc As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

surveyAnswerSvc = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

' Search for Survey Answer Record

Dim insertResults As SurveyAnswerService.SelectSurveyAnswerResult

insertResults = surveyAnswerSvc.SelectByRSN(token, RSN, fieldNames)

Web Service Method – SelectDedupeKeyCount

This method returned the number of Survey Answer records of a particular survey are duplicates (as definted by the dedupe key.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Survey_RSN: The unique identifier (a GUID) of the the survey.

DedupeKey: This is a string of the Dedupe Key (the name of the field you’d like to dedupe against)


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class SelectDedupeKeyCountResult

Property ErrorCode As Integer

Property DedupeKeyCount as Integer

End Class

Sample Code

' Create new survey answer service object

Dim surveyAnswerSvc As SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

surveyAnswerSvc = New SurveyAnswerService.SurveyAnswerSvc

' Search via dedupe key

Dim insertResults As SurveyAnswerService.SelectDedupeKeyCountResult

insertResults = surveyAnswerSvc.SelectDedupeKeyCount(token, surveyRSN, DedupeKey)

Person Web Service Method Definitions

The following methods provide the means to create, select, update and delete person entity records and links from the person entity to related entities in Simplicity. This web service is accessed via http on port 80 or https on port 443 at the following url relative to the client’s SCIS website:


  • Creating a Person Object
  • Creating a Relationship Object
  • SelectByRSN
  • SelectByName
  • SelectByNameAndEmailAddress
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete
  • LookupEntityRSN
  • Login
  • Authenticate
  • SelectRelatedEntities
  • InsertRelatedEntity
  • DeleteRelatedEntity
  • Person Web Service Result/Error Codes

Creating a Person Object

To create a Person Service object in VB.Net use the following code:

(Assumes the web reference is named ‘PersonService’)

Dim personsvc As PersonService.PersonSvc

Personsvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Creating a Relationship Object

A relationship object is used to insert/delete related entity objects.

(Assumes the web reference is named ‘PersonService’)

Dim currentRelationship As PersonService.Relationship

currentRelationship = New PersonService.Relationship

Web Service Method – SelectByRSN

This method sends a Person RSN to the PersonService and returns a person object.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Person to be retrieved.


The service returns an ErrorCode, a ‘PartialResultSet’ Boolean (which describes whether a complete Result Set has been returned, or only a partial set), and the Result Set in the form of a person object:

Public Class Person

Property Accounting_PaymentDueDays As Integer

Property ActivePolicies As Boolean

Property AirNZAirpointsNumber As Long

Property CDNumber As String

Property ClientID As String

Property CreatedBy As String

Property CreatedOn As Date

Property DateOfBirth As Date

Property Decoration As String

Property DisplayValue As String

Property DriverLicenceExpiryDate As Date

Property EriverLicenceNumber As String

Property Email As String

Property Email_Home As String

Property Email_Home_ModifiedOn As Date

Property Email_ModifiedOn As Date

Property FamilyName As String

Property Fax_Local As String

Property Fax_ModifiedOn As Date

Property GivenName As String

Property Invalid_Email As Boolean

Property Invalid_Email_Home As Boolean

Property Invalid_Fax As Boolean

Property Invalid_Mobile As Boolean

Property Invalid_PhoneBusiness As Boolean

Property Invalid_PhoneHome As Boolean

Property Invalid_PostalAddress As Boolean

Property Invalid_StreetAddress As Boolean

Property LetterCarrier As String

Property MiddleName As String

Property Mobile_Local As String

Property Mobile_ModifiedOn As Date

Property Mobile_PrefCallingTime As String

Property ModifiedBy As String

Property ModifiedOn As Date

Property Nickname As String

Property Phone_Business_Extension As String

Property Phone_Business_Local As String

Property Phone_Business_PrefCallingTime As String

Property Phone_Home_Local As String

Property Phone_Home_PrefCallingTime As String

Property PhoneBusiness_ModifiedOn As Date

Property PhoneHome_ModifiedOn As Date

Property PostalAddress_CorrectionCode As String

Property PostalAddress_Country As String

Property PostalAddress_DoNotClean As Boolean

Property PostalAddress_DPID As String

Property PostalAddress_ErrorCode As Integer

Property PostalAddress_Latitude As Double

Property PostalAddress_Line1 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line2 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line3 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line4 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line5 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line6 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line7 As String

Property PostalAddress_Longitude As Double

Property PostalAddress_MapGrid_X As Integer

Property PostalAddress_MapGrid_Y As Integer

Property PostalAddress_MeshBlock As Integer

Property PostalAddress_ModifiedOn As Date

Property PostalAddress_PostCode As String

Property PostalAddress_StatementOfAccuracyCode As String

Property PostalAddress_StatementOfAccuracyLastUpdated As Date

Property PostalAddress_StatementOfAccuracyReason As String

Property PostalAddress_StatementOfAccuracyUpdatedTrigger As Boolean

Property PostalAddress_Suburb As String

Property PostalAddress_TownCityState As String

Property QantasFFNumber As Long

Property RelationshipAOwnerBorrower As Boolean

Property RelationshipBInsured As Boolean

Property RelationshipCPayerBeneficiary As Boolean

Property RSK_Counter As Double

Property RSN As String

Property Salutation As String

Property SingleViewID As String

Property StreetAddress_CorrectionCode As String

Property StreetAddress_Country As String

Property StreetAddress_DoNotClean As Boolean

Property StreetAddress_DPID As String

Property StreetAddress_ErrorCode As Integer

Property StreetAddress_Latitude As Double

Property StreetAddress_Line1 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line2 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line3 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line4 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line5 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line6 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line7 As String

Property StreetAddress_Longitude As Double

Property StreetAddress_MapGrid_X As Integer

Property StreetAddress_MapGrid_Y As Integer

Property StreetAddress_MeshBlock As Integer

Property StreetAddress_ModifiedOn As Date

Property StreetAddress_PostCode As String

Property StreetAddress_StatementOfAccuracyCode As String

Property StreetAddress_StatementOfAccuracyLastUpdated As Date

Property StreetAddress_StatementOfAccuracyReason As String

Property StreetAddress_StatementOfAccuracyUpdatedTrigger As Boolean

Property StreetAddress_Suburb As String

Property StreetAddress_TownCityState As String

Property Tenure_DateCommenced As Date

Property Tenure_NextReviewDate As Date

Property Title As String

Property TotalAnnualisedPremium As Decimal

Property TotalAnnualisedRepayments As Decimal

Property TotalRFMScore As Long

Property VehicleType As String

Property Website As String

Property Channel As Person_Channel

Property DistributionGroup As Person_Distribution_Group

Property PersonType As Person_Client_Type

Property PolicyBenefitCategory As Policy_Benefit_Category

Property Roles As User_Roles

Property SpeakerSpecialistArea As SpeakerSpecialArea

Property Suppression_Codes As Suppression_Codes

Property Accounting_PaymentTerms As Accounting_PaymentTerms

Property AgeGroup As Person_Age_Group

Property Currency As Currency

Property EmailOptIn As Opt_In

Property Gender As Gender

Property IncomeGroup As Person_Income_Group

Property LongestTenureMonthsGroup As Person_Longest_Tenure_Months_Group

Property MailOptIn As Opt_In

Property MaritalStatus As Marital_Status

Property OccupationGroup As Person_Occupation_Group

Property Origin As Entity_Origin

Property RFMGroup As Person_RFM_Group

Property ShortestTenureMonthsGroup As Person_Shortest_Tenure_Months_Group

Property SMSOptIn As Opt_In

Property taxRate As Tax_Rate

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Objects

Dim personSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim person As PersonService.Person

Dim personResult As PersonService.SelectPersonResult

' Search for person, and store result in a person object

personResult = personSvc.SelectByRSN(token, RSN) person = personResult.ResultSet

Web Service Method – SelectByName

This method sends a Person Given Name and Family Name to the PersonService and returns Person objects that meet the criteria.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

NoResults: The number of records in the result set.

GivenName: The Given Name of the person to be selected. GivenName supports wildcard and partial matching.

FamilyName: The Family Name of the person to be selected. FamilyName supports wildcard and partial matching.


The service returns an ErrorCode, a ‘PartialResultSet’ Boolean (which describes whether a complete Result Set has been returned, or only a partial set), and the Result Set in the form of a person object:

Public Class Person

Property Accounting_PaymentDueDays As Integer

Property ActivePolicies As Boolean

Property AirNZAirpointsNumber As Long

Property CDNumber As String

Property ClientID As String

Property CreatedBy As String

Property CreatedOn As Date

Property DateOfBirth As Date

Property Decoration As String

Property DisplayValue As String

Property DriverLicenceExpiryDate As Date

Property EriverLicenceNumber As String

Property Email As String

Property Email_Home As String

Property Email_Home_ModifiedOn As Date

Property Email_ModifiedOn As Date

Property FamilyName As String

Property Fax_Local As String

Property Fax_ModifiedOn As Date

Property GivenName As String

Property Invalid_Email As Boolean

Property Invalid_Email_Home As Boolean

Property Invalid_Fax As Boolean

Property Invalid_Mobile As Boolean

Property Invalid_PhoneBusiness As Boolean

Property Invalid_PhoneHome As Boolean

Property Invalid_PostalAddress As Boolean

Property Invalid_StreetAddress As Boolean

Property LetterCarrier As String

Property MiddleName As String

Property Mobile_Local As String

Property Mobile_ModifiedOn As Date

Property Mobile_PrefCallingTime As String

Property ModifiedBy As String

Property ModifiedOn As Date

Property Nickname As String

Property Phone_Business_Extension As String

Property Phone_Business_Local As String

Property Phone_Business_PrefCallingTime As String

Property Phone_Home_Local As String

Property Phone_Home_PrefCallingTime As String

Property PhoneBusiness_ModifiedOn As Date

Property PhoneHome_ModifiedOn As Date

Property PostalAddress_CorrectionCode As String

Property PostalAddress_Country As String

Property PostalAddress_DoNotClean As Boolean

Property PostalAddress_DPID As String

Property PostalAddress_ErrorCode As Integer

Property PostalAddress_Latitude As Double

Property PostalAddress_Line1 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line2 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line3 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line4 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line5 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line6 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line7 As String

Property PostalAddress_Longitude As Double

Property PostalAddress_MapGrid_X As Integer

Property PostalAddress_MapGrid_Y As Integer

Property PostalAddress_MeshBlock As Integer

Property PostalAddress_ModifiedOn As Date

Property PostalAddress_PostCode As String

Property PostalAddress_StatementOfAccuracyCode As String

Property PostalAddress_StatementOfAccuracyLastUpdated As Date

Property PostalAddress_StatementOfAccuracyReason As String

Property PostalAddress_StatementOfAccuracyUpdatedTrigger As Boolean

Property PostalAddress_Suburb As String

Property PostalAddress_TownCityState As String

Property QantasFFNumber As Long

Property RelationshipAOwnerBorrower As Boolean

Property RelationshipBInsured As Boolean

Property RelationshipCPayerBeneficiary As Boolean

Property RSK_Counter As Double

Property RSN As String

Property Salutation As String

Property SingleViewID As String

Property StreetAddress_CorrectionCode As String

Property StreetAddress_Country As String

Property StreetAddress_DoNotClean As Boolean

Property StreetAddress_DPID As String

Property StreetAddress_ErrorCode As Integer

Property StreetAddress_Latitude As Double

Property StreetAddress_Line1 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line2 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line3 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line4 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line5 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line6 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line7 As String

Property StreetAddress_Longitude As Double

Property StreetAddress_MapGrid_X As Integer

Property StreetAddress_MapGrid_Y As Integer

Property StreetAddress_MeshBlock As Integer

Property StreetAddress_ModifiedOn As Date

Property StreetAddress_PostCode As String

Property StreetAddress_StatementOfAccuracyCode As String

Property StreetAddress_StatementOfAccuracyLastUpdated As Date

Property StreetAddress_StatementOfAccuracyReason As String

Property StreetAddress_StatementOfAccuracyUpdatedTrigger As Boolean

Property StreetAddress_Suburb As String

Property StreetAddress_TownCityState As String

Property Tenure_DateCommenced As Date

Property Tenure_NextReviewDate As Date

Property Title As String

Property TotalAnnualisedPremium As Decimal

Property TotalAnnualisedRepayments As Decimal

Property TotalRFMScore As Long

Property VehicleType As String

Property Website As String

Property Channel As Person_Channel

Property DistributionGroup As Person_Distribution_Group

Property PersonType As Person_Client_Type

Property PolicyBenefitCategory As Policy_Benefit_Category

Property Roles As User_Roles

Property SpeakerSpecialistArea As SpeakerSpecialArea

Property Suppression_Codes As Suppression_Codes

Property Accounting_PaymentTerms As Accounting_PaymentTerms

Property AgeGroup As Person_Age_Group

Property Currency As Currency

Property EmailOptIn As Opt_In

Property Gender As Gender

Property IncomeGroup As Person_Income_Group

Property LongestTenureMonthsGroup As Person_Longest_Tenure_Months_Group

Property MailOptIn As Opt_In

Property MaritalStatus As Marital_Status

Property OccupationGroup As Person_Occupation_Group

Property Origin As Entity_Origin

Property RFMGroup As Person_RFM_Group

Property ShortestTenureMonthsGroup As Person_Shortest_Tenure_Months_Group

Property SMSOptIn As Opt_In

Property taxRate As Tax_Rate

End Class

NOTE: This method can be customized and renamed for each entity to select on any combination of values.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Objects

Dim personSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim people As PersonService.Person()

Dim peopleResult As personService.SelectPersonResult

' Search for people, and store result in a resultset

peopleResult = personSvc.SelectByName(token, noResults, firstName, surname)

people = peopleResult.ResultSet

Web Service Method – SelectByNameAndEmailAddress

This method sends a Person Given Name, Family Name and Email Address to the PersonService and returns person objects that meet the criteria.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

GivenName: The Given Name of the person to be selected. GivenName supports wildcard and partial matching.

FamilyName: The Family Name of the person to be selected. FamilyName supports wildcard and partial matching.

Email: The email address of the person to be selected. Email supports wildcard and partial matching.


The service returns an ErrorCode, a ‘PartialResultSet’ Boolean (which describes whether a complete Result Set has been returned, or only a partial set), and the Result Set in the form of a person object:

Public Class Person

Property Accounting_PaymentDueDays As Integer

Property ActivePolicies As Boolean

Property AirNZAirpointsNumber As Long

Property CDNumber As String

Property ClientID As String

Property CreatedBy As String

Property CreatedOn As Date

Property DateOfBirth As Date

Property Decoration As String

Property DisplayValue As String

Property DriverLicenceExpiryDate As Date

Property EriverLicenceNumber As String

Property Email As String

Property Email_Home As String

Property Email_Home_ModifiedOn As Date

Property Email_ModifiedOn As Date

Property FamilyName As String

Property Fax_Local As String

Property Fax_ModifiedOn As Date

Property GivenName As String

Property Invalid_Email As Boolean

Property Invalid_Email_Home As Boolean

Property Invalid_Fax As Boolean

Property Invalid_Mobile As Boolean

Property Invalid_PhoneBusiness As Boolean

Property Invalid_PhoneHome As Boolean

Property Invalid_PostalAddress As Boolean

Property Invalid_StreetAddress As Boolean

Property LetterCarrier As String

Property MiddleName As String

Property Mobile_Local As String

Property Mobile_ModifiedOn As Date

Property Mobile_PrefCallingTime As String

Property ModifiedBy As String

Property ModifiedOn As Date

Property Nickname As String

Property Phone_Business_Extension As String

Property Phone_Business_Local As String

Property Phone_Business_PrefCallingTime As String

Property Phone_Home_Local As String

Property Phone_Home_PrefCallingTime As String

Property PhoneBusiness_ModifiedOn As Date

Property PhoneHome_ModifiedOn As Date

Property PostalAddress_CorrectionCode As String

Property PostalAddress_Country As String

Property PostalAddress_DoNotClean As Boolean

Property PostalAddress_DPID As String

Property PostalAddress_ErrorCode As Integer

Property PostalAddress_Latitude As Double

Property PostalAddress_Line1 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line2 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line3 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line4 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line5 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line6 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line7 As String

Property PostalAddress_Longitude As Double

Property PostalAddress_MapGrid_X As Integer

Property PostalAddress_MapGrid_Y As Integer

Property PostalAddress_MeshBlock As Integer

Property PostalAddress_ModifiedOn As Date

Property PostalAddress_PostCode As String

Property PostalAddress_StatementOfAccuracyCode As String

Property PostalAddress_StatementOfAccuracyLastUpdated As Date

Property PostalAddress_StatementOfAccuracyReason As String

Property PostalAddress_StatementOfAccuracyUpdatedTrigger As Boolean

Property PostalAddress_Suburb As String

Property PostalAddress_TownCityState As String

Property QantasFFNumber As Long

Property RelationshipAOwnerBorrower As Boolean

Property RelationshipBInsured As Boolean

Property RelationshipCPayerBeneficiary As Boolean

Property RSK_Counter As Double

Property RSN As String

Property Salutation As String

Property SingleViewID As String

Property StreetAddress_CorrectionCode As String

Property StreetAddress_Country As String

Property StreetAddress_DoNotClean As Boolean

Property StreetAddress_DPID As String

Property StreetAddress_ErrorCode As Integer

Property StreetAddress_Latitude As Double

Property StreetAddress_Line1 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line2 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line3 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line4 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line5 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line6 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line7 As String

Property StreetAddress_Longitude As Double

Property StreetAddress_MapGrid_X As Integer

Property StreetAddress_MapGrid_Y As Integer

Property StreetAddress_MeshBlock As Integer

Property StreetAddress_ModifiedOn As Date

Property StreetAddress_PostCode As String

Property StreetAddress_StatementOfAccuracyCode As String

Property StreetAddress_StatementOfAccuracyLastUpdated As Date

Property StreetAddress_StatementOfAccuracyReason As String

Property StreetAddress_StatementOfAccuracyUpdatedTrigger As Boolean

Property StreetAddress_Suburb As String

Property StreetAddress_TownCityState As String

Property Tenure_DateCommenced As Date

Property Tenure_NextReviewDate As Date

Property Title As String

Property TotalAnnualisedPremium As Decimal

Property TotalAnnualisedRepayments As Decimal

Property TotalRFMScore As Long

Property VehicleType As String

Property Website As String

Property Channel As Person_Channel

Property DistributionGroup As Person_Distribution_Group

Property PersonType As Person_Client_Type

Property PolicyBenefitCategory As Policy_Benefit_Category

Property Roles As User_Roles

Property SpeakerSpecialistArea As SpeakerSpecialArea

Property Suppression_Codes As Suppression_Codes

Property Accounting_PaymentTerms As Accounting_PaymentTerms

Property AgeGroup As Person_Age_Group

Property Currency As Currency

Property EmailOptIn As Opt_In

Property Gender As Gender

Property IncomeGroup As Person_Income_Group

Property LongestTenureMonthsGroup As Person_Longest_Tenure_Months_Group

Property MailOptIn As Opt_In

Property MaritalStatus As Marital_Status

Property OccupationGroup As Person_Occupation_Group

Property Origin As Entity_Origin

Property RFMGroup As Person_RFM_Group

Property ShortestTenureMonthsGroup As Person_Shortest_Tenure_Months_Group

Property SMSOptIn As Opt_In

Property taxRate As Tax_Rate

End Class

NOTE: This method can be customized and renamed for each entity to select on any combination of values.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Objects

Dim personSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim people As PersonService.Person()

Dim peopleResult As personService.SelectPersonResult

' Search for people, and store result in a resultset

peopleResult = personSvc.SelectByNameAndEmailaddress(token, firstName, surname, emailAddress)

people = peopleResult.ResultSet

Web Service Method - Insert

This method takes a new Person Object and inserts it into the database.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Value: The Person to be inserted into the database.


An integer indicating the result of the insert.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Objects

Dim individualResult As Integer

Dim personSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim individual As PersonService.Person = New PersonService.Person

' Assign information to the person object

' (The data assigned is fictional, and for example use only)

individual.RSN = Guid.NewGuid.ToString

individual.Title = "Mr"

individual.GivenName = "Donald"

individual.FamilyName = "Duck"

individual.DisplayValue = "Donald Duck"

' Call the Insert method, and store the resulting code in an integer

individualResult = personSvc.Insert(token, individual)

Web Service Method – Update

This method takes a Person Object that already exists in the database, and updates the values.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Value: The a person object of the Person to be updated


An integer indicating the result of the update.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Objects

Dim individualResult As Integer

Dim personsvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim individual As PersonService.Person = New PersonService.Person

' Assign information to the person object

' (The data assigned is fictional, and for example use only)

individual.Title = "Mr"

individual.GivenName = "Donald"

individual.FamilyName = "Duck"

individual.DisplayValue = "Donald Duck"

' Call the Update method, and store the resulting code in an integer

individualResult = personsvc.Update(token, individual)

Web Service Method – Delete

This method takes a Person Object that already exists in the database, and deletes the values.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Person to be deleted


An integer indicating the result of the delete.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Objects

Dim individualResult As Integer

Dim personSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim individual As PersonService.Person

' At this point you would assign the person to be deleted to the person object

' ‘individual’.

' Call the Update method, and store the resulting code in an integer individualResult = personsvc.Update(token, individual)

Web Service Method – LookupEntityRSN

This method looks up the current Person Object RSN given any historical RSN


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Prospect_RSN: The historical RSN of the Person


An object indicating the result of the look up, and the current RSN

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Objects

Dim lookupResult As PersonService.LookupEntityRSNResult

Dim personSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

' Call the Update method, and store the resulting code in an integer lookupResult = personsvc.LookupEntityRSN(token, rsn)

Web Service Method – Login

This method takes several input variables and returns a Person (LoginResult) object, and well as the full profile of the account owner.


Key: Client ID (type GUID)

AuthorisationPassword: The password used to authorise the use of this method.

CampaignName: The campaign which all activities associated with the login will be associated with. If blank or invalid no campaign tracking is initiated.

CampaignSegment: The campaign segment which all activities associated with the login will be associated with. If blank or invalid no campaign tracking is initiated.

AccountName: The username used to validate credentials.

Password: The password used to validate credentials. Optional WHEN Authorised Username and Password is provided. This allows the client database to maintain master username and passwords and Simplicity to be a slave without storing any passwords.

TokenValidDuration: The duration the token is valid.

LoginModel: The type of model to use (MultipleLogins, SingleLogin, RoamingLogin)


A passport object of class ‘Login Result’ with a token, error code, account name, and email address. It also returns the account RSN, the account Owner RSN, type and display value, the account permissions, and the full profile of the account owner.

Additional Notes:

This method does not come with our standard Web Services Installs. You will need to request this method if you’d like to use it. Also, to use this method you will need to have purchased the Passport Services.

MultipleLogins: Allows multiple concurrent tokens.

SingleLogin: If the user has an active token an error (1016) is returned.

RoamingLogin: If the user has an active session then the token is expired and a new token is issued.


AccountName must be an Active account. AccountName must have a password specified.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Service

Dim personsvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim loginResults As PersonService.LoginResult

' Attempt to login

loginResults = personsvc.Login(Key, AuthorisationPassword, CampaignName, CampaignSegment, AccountName, Password, TokenValidDuration, LoginModel)

Web Service Method – Authenticate

This method takes an existing token and it is expired. A new token is created and the now expired token is linked to the new token’s CampaignList as a referring label code.

The CampaignList that activities are logged against will be changed if the new token’s Campaign/CampaignSegment is different to that of the previous token.


Key: Client ID (type GUID)

Authorisation Password: The password used to authorise the use of this method.

Token: Token supplied by logging into the Passport Web Service

CampaignName: The campaign which all activities associated with the login will be associated with. If black or invalid no campaign tracking is initiated.

CampaignSegment: The campaign segment which all activities associated with the login will be associated with. If blank or invalid no campaign tracking is initiated.


A passport object of class ‘Authentication Result’ with a token, error code, account name, and email address. It also returns the account RSN, the account Owner RSN, type and display value, the account permissions, and the full profile of the account owner.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Service

Dim personsvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim authenticateResult As PersonService.AuthenticateResult

' Authenticate

AuthenticateResult = personsvc.Authenticate(key, AuthorisationPassword, token, campaignName, campaignSegment)

Web Service Method – SelectRelatedEntities

This method takes the RSN of the person and returns the requested relationships.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Person to select relationships for.

Relationship: The Relationship to select.


Result is an array containing the following properties:

Public Class Relationship

Property Relationship_Type As Relationship_Type

Property Join_RSN As String

Property Entity_RSN As String

Property Entity_DisplayValue As String

Property Entity_Type As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net) – select by related entities

This sample selects the ‘current employer’ records from the person-organisation relationship.

' Create Person Object

Dim personSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim individual As PersonService.Person

' At this point you would assign the person object ‘individual’ values, such as

' ‘individual.RSN’.

' Create Relationship Object

Dim employerRelationship As PersonService.Relationship

' At this point you would assign the relationship object ‘employerRelationship’

' values, such as ‘employerRelationship.Entity_RSN’ and

' ‘employerRelationship.Join_RSN’.

' Search for people, and store result in a resultset

Dim relationshipResult As personService.SelectRelationshipResult

relationshipResult = personSvc.SelectRelatedEntity(token, individual.RSN, employerRelationship)

Web Service Method - InsertRelatedEntity

This method inserts a relationship between an entity related to the person entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Person to insert this relationship for.

DisplayValue: The Display Value of the Person to insert this relationship for.

EntityToInsert: The Relationship to insert.

Public Class Relationship

Property Relationship_Type As Relationship_Type

Property Join_RSN As String

Property Entity_RSN As String

Property Entity_DisplayValue As String

Property Entity_Type As String

End Class

The relationship type will be defined as per the database set up (ie a staff-employer relationship between the person and organisation could be used).

The Join_RSN is a new GUID unique to this relationship.

The Entity RSN is the RSN of the Entity to which the person is forming a relationship. If we were inserting a staff-employer relationship, the RSN we would use would be the RSN of the organisation in this relationship.

The Entity Display Value is a display value that should be used to indentify which entity record this person has a relationship with (ie, if this is a staff-employer relationship and the person is a current staff member of the organisation ‘Simplicity’, then perhaps the appropriate display value to identify this relationship to the person would be ‘Simplicity’)

The entity type is the name of the entity to which this person is forming a relationship. If we were inserting a staff-employer relationship with an organisation, then ‘Organisation’ would be the appropriate value to use.


An Integer indicating the result of the insert


Please do not use null for the display values. While the display values are not mandatory, they are used in the desktop version of Simplicity and are what your users will see.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

This sample inserts the ‘current employer’ relationship between the person and organisation entities.

Dim relationshipResult As Integer

' Create Person Object

Dim personSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim individual As PersonService.Person

' At this point you would assign the person object ‘individual’ values, such as

' ‘individual.RSN’.

' Create Relationship Object

Dim currentRelationship As PersonService.Relationship

' At this point you would assign the relationship object ‘currentRelationship’

' values, such as ‘currentRelationship.Entity_RSN’ and

' ‘currentRelationship.Join_RSN’.

' Insert relationship

relationshipResult = personSvc.InsertRelatedEntity(token, individual.RSN, individual.DisplayValue, currentRelationship)

Web Service Method – DeleteRelatedEntity

This method deletes a relationship between an entity related to the person entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Person for whom this relationship will be deleted.

DisplayValue: The Display Value of the Person for whom this relationship will be deleted.

EntityToDelete: The Relationship to delete.

Public Class Relationship

Property Relationship_Type As Relationship_Type

Property Join_RSN As String

Property Entity_RSN As String

Property Entity_DisplayValue As String

Property Entity_Type As String

End Class


An Integer indicating the result of the delete


Please do not use null for the display values. While the display values are not mandatory, they are used in the desktop version of Simplicity and are what your users will see.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

This sample deletes the ‘current employer’ relationship between the person and organisation entities.

Dim relationshipResult As Integer

' Create Person Object

Dim personSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

' At this point you would assign the person object ‘individual’ values, such as

' ‘individual.RSN’ and ‘individual.DisplayValue’.

' Create Relationship Object

Dim currentRelationship As PersonService.Relationship

' At this point you would assign the relationship object ‘currentRelationship’

' values, such as ‘currentRelationship.Entity_RSN’ and

' ‘currentRelationship.Join_RSN’.

' Delete relationship

relationshipResult = personSvc.DeleteRelatedEntity(token, individual.RSN, individual.DisplayValue, currentRelationship)

Person Result/Error Codes

‘Label Code’ refers to the Token as it is stored in the database, ‘Token’ refers to the Token as it is stored in the passport application

0 OK

1001 Exception

3001 Invalid Token

3007 Insufficient Privileges

3100 Select: Entity Not Found

3110 Insert: Invalid RSN

3111 Insert: Entity already exists

3112 Insert Exception

3120 Update: Invalid RSN

3121 Update Exception

3130 Delete Exception

3140 Select Relationship: Not Found

3141 Insert Relationship Exception

3142 Delete Relationship Exception

SecondPerson Web Service Method Definitions

The following methods provide the means to create, select, update and delete person entity records and links from the person entity to related entities in Simplicity. This web service is accessed via http on port 80 or https on port 443 at the following url relative to the client’s SCIS website:


This web service allows you to point to the same entitiy (in this case the person entity) but have different options defined. This allows you to return different data, have methods that take different paramaters, select different relationships etc.

  • Creating a SecondPerson Object
  • Creating a Relationship Object
  • SelectByRSN
  • SelectByName
  • SelectByNameAndEmailAddress
  • Login
  • Authenticate
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete
  • SelectRelatedEntities
  • InsertRelatedEntity
  • DeleteRelatedEntity
  • Person Web Service Result/Error Codes

Creating a Person Object

To create a Person Service object in VB.NET use the following code:

(Assumes the web reference is named ‘SecondPersonService’)

' Create SecondPerson Object

Dim secondPersonSvc As SecondPersonService.PersonSvc

secondPersonSvc = New SecondPersonService.PersonSvc

Creating a Relationship Object

A relationship object is used to insert/delete related entity objects.

(Assumes the web reference is named ‘PersonService’)

' Create Relationship Object

Dim currentRelationship As PersonService.Relationship

currentRelationship = New PersonService.Relationship

Web Service Method – SelectByRSN

This method sends a Person RSN to the PersonService and returns a person object.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Person to be retrieved.


The service returns an ErrorCode, a ‘PartialResultSet’ Boolean (which describes whether a complete Result Set has been returned, or only a partial set), and the Result Set in the form of a person object:

Public Class Person

Property Sccounting_PaymentDueDays As Integer

Property DisplayValue As String

Property Invalid_Email As Boolean

Property Invalid_Email_Home As Boolean

Property Invalid_Fax As Boolean

Property Invalid_Mobile As Boolean

Property Invalid_PhoneBusiness As Boolean

Property Invalid_PhoneHome As Boolean

Property Invalid_PostalAddress As Boolean

Property Invalid_StreetAddress As Boolean

Property RSN As String

Property StreetAddress_Line1 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line2 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line3 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line4 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line5 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line6 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line7 As String

Property Suppression_Codes As Suppression_Codes

Property Gender As Gender

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create SecondPerson Object

Dim secondPersonSvc As SecondPersonService.PersonSvc

secondPersonSvc = New SecondPersonService.PersonSvc

Dim secondPersonResult As SecondPersonService.SelectPersonResult

' Search for person, and store result in a person object

secondPersonResult = secondPersonSvc.SelectByRSN(token, RSN) secondPerson = secondPersonResult.ResultSet

Web Service Method – SelectByName

This method sends a Person Given Name and Family Name to the PersonService and returns person objects that meet the criteria.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

GivenName: The Given Name of the person to be selected. GivenName supports wildcard and partial matching.

FamilyName: The Family Name of the person to be selected. FamilyName supports wildcard and partial matching.


The service returns an ErrorCode, a ‘PartialResultSet’ Boolean (which describes whether a complete Result Set has been returned, or only a partial set), and the Result Set in the form of a person object:

Public Class Person

Property Accounting_PaymentDueDays As Integer

Property DisplayValue As String

Property Invalid_Email As Boolean

Property Invalid_Email_Home As Boolean

Property Invalid_Fax As Boolean

Property Invalid_Mobile As Boolean

Property Invalid_PhoneBusiness As Boolean

Property Invalid_PhoneHome As Boolean

Property Invalid_PostalAddress As Boolean

Property Invalid_StreetAddress As Boolean

Property RSN As String

Property StreetAddress_Line1 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line2 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line3 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line4 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line5 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line6 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line7 As String

Property Suppression_Codes As Suppression_Codes

Property Gender As Gender

End Class

NOTE: This method can be customized and renamed for each entity to select on any combination of values.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create SecondPerson Object

Dim secondPersonSvc as PersonService.PersonSvc

secondPersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim secondPeople As PersonService.Person()

Dim secondPersonResult As PersonService.SelectPersonResult

' Search for people, and store result in a resultset

secondPersonResult = secondPersonSvc.SelectByName(token, firstName, surname)

secondPeople = secondPersonResult.ResultSet

Web Service Method – SelectByNameAndEmailAddress

This method sends a Person Given Name, Family Name and Email Address to the PersonService and returns person objects that meet the criteria.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

GivenName: The Given Name of the person to be selected. GivenName supports wildcard and partial matching.

FamilyName: The Family Name of the person to be selected. FamilyName supports wildcard and partial matching.

Email: The Email Address of the person to be selected. Email supports wildcard and partial matching.


The service returns an ErrorCode, a ‘PartialResultSet’ Boolean (which describes whether a complete Result Set has been returned, or only a partial set), and the Result Set in the form of a person object:

Public Class Person

Property Accounting_PaymentDueDays As Integer

Property DisplayValue As String

Property Invalid_Email As Boolean

Property Invalid_Email_Home As Boolean

Property Invalid_Fax As Boolean

Property Invalid_Mobile As Boolean

Property Invalid_PhoneBusiness As Boolean

Property Invalid_PhoneHome As Boolean

Property Invalid_PostalAddress As Boolean

Property Invalid_StreetAddress As Boolean

Property RSN As String

Property StreetAddress_Line1 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line2 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line3 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line4 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line5 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line6 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line7 As String

Property Suppression_Codes As Suppression_Codes

Property Gender As Gender

End Class

NOTE: This method can be customized and renamed for each entity to select on any combination of values.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create SecondPerson Object

Dim secondPersonSvc as PersonService.PersonSvc =

secondPersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim secondPeople As PersonService.Person()

Dim secondPersonResult As PersonService.SelectPersonResult

' Search for people, and store result in a resultset

secondPersonResult = secondPersonSvc.SelectByNameAndEmailaddress(token, firstName, surname, emailAddress)secondPeople = peopleResult.ResultSet

Web Service Method – Login

This method takes several input variables and returns a Person (LoginResult) object, and well as the full profile of the account owner.


Key: Client ID (type GUID)

AuthorisationPassword: The password used to authorise the use of this method.

CampaignName: The campaign which all activities associated with the login will be associated with. If blank or invalid no campaign tracking is initiated.

CampaignSegment: The campaign segment which all activities associated with the login will be associated with. If blank or invalid no campaign tracking is initiated.

AccountName: The username used to validate credentials.

Password: The password used to validate credentials. Optional WHEN Authorised Username and Password is provided. This allows the client database to maintain master username and passwords and Simplicity to be a slave without storing any passwords.

TokenValidDuration: The duration the token is valid.

LoginModel: The type of model to use (MultipleLogins, SingleLogin, RoamingLogin)


A passport object of class ‘Login Result’ with a token, error code, account name, and email address. It also returns the account RSN, the account Owner RSN, type and display value, the account permissions, and the full profile of the account owner.

Additional Notes:

This method does not come with our standard Web Services Installs. You will need to request this method if you’d like to use it. Also, to use this method you will need to have purchased the Passport Services.

MultipleLogins: Allows multiple concurrent tokens.

SingleLogin: If the user has an active token an error (1016) is returned.

RoamingLogin: If the user has an active session then the token is expired and a new token is issued.


AccountName must be an Active account. AccountName must have a password specified.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Service

Dim secondPersonSvc as PersonService.PersonSvc =

secondPersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

' Attempt to login

Dim secondLoginResults As PersonService.LoginResult

secondLoginResults = secondPersonSvc.Login(Key, AuthorisationPassword, CampaignName, CampaignSegment, AccountName, Password, TokenValidDuration, LoginModel)

Web Service Method – Authenticate

This method takes an existing token and it is expired. A new token is created and the now expired token is linked to the new token’s CampaignList as a referring label code.

The CampaignList that activities are logged against will be changed if the new token’s Campaign/CampaignSegment is different to that of the previous token.


Key: Client ID (type GUID)

Authorisation Password: The password used to authorise the use of this method.

Token: Token supplied by logging into the Passport Web Service

CampaignName: The campaign which all activities associated with the login will be associated with. If black or invalid no campaign tracking is initiated.

CampaignSegment: The campaign segment which all activities associated with the login will be associated with. If blank or invalid no campaign tracking is initiated.


A passport object of class ‘Authentication Result’ with a token, error code, account name, and email address. It also returns the account RSN, the account Owner RSN, type and display value, the account permissions, and the full profile of the account owner.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Service

Dim secondPersonSvc as PersonService.PersonSvc =

secondPersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

' Attempt to login

Dim secondAuthenticateResults As PersonService.AuthenticateResult

' Authenticate

Dim secondAuthenticateResults As PersonService.AuthenticateResult

secondAuthenticateResults = secondPersonSvc.Authenticate(key, AuthorisationPassword, token, campaignName, campaignSegment)

Web Service Method - Insert

This method takes a new Person Object and inserts it into the database.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Value: The Person to be inserted into the database.


An integer indicating the result of the insert.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create SecondPerson Object

Dim secondPersonSvc as PersonService.PersonSvc

secondPersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim secondIndividual As PersonService.Person

' Assign information to the secondPerson object

' (The data assigned is fictional, and for example use only)

secondIndividual.RSN = Guid.NewGuid.ToString

secondIndividual.Title = "Mr"

secondIndividual.GivenName = "Mickey"

secondIndividual.FamilyName = "Mouse"

' Search for people, and store result in a resultset

' Call the Insert method, and store the resulting code in an integer

Dim secondIndividualResult As Integer

secondIndividualResult = secondPersonSvc.Insert(token, secondIndividual)

Web Service Method – Update

This method takes a Person Object that already exists in the database, and updates the values.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Value: The a person object of the Person to be updated


An integer indicating the result of the update.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create SecondPerson Objects

Dim secondPersonSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim secondIndividual As PersonService.Person

' Assign information to the secondPerson object

' (The data assigned is fictional, and for example use only)

secondIndividual.Title = "Mr"

secondIndividual.GivenName = "Mickey"

secondIndividual.FamilyName = "Mouse"

' Call the Update method, and store the resulting code in an integer

Dim individualSecondResult As Integer

individualSecondResult = secondPersonSvc.Update(token, secondIndividual)

Web Service Method – Delete

This method takes a Person Object that already exists in the database, and updates the values.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Person to be deleted


An integer indicating the result of the delete.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Objects

Dim SecondPersonSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim secondIndividual As PersonService.Person

' At this point you would assign the person to be deleted to the person object

' ‘secondIndividual’.

' Call the Update method, and store the resulting code in an integer

Dim individualResult As Integer

individualResult = SecondPersonSvc.Update(token, secondIndividual)

Web Service Method – SelectRelatedEntities

This method takes the RSN of the person and returns the requested relationships.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Person to select relationships for.

Relationship: The Relationship to select.


Result is an array containing the following properties:

Public Class Relationship

Property Relationship_Type As Relationship_Type

Property Join_RSN As String

Property Entity_RSN As String

Property Entity_DisplayValue As String

Property Entity_Type As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net) – select by related entities

This sample selects the ‘current employer’ records from the person-organisation relationship.

' Create Person Object

Dim secondPersonSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim secondIndividual As PersonService.Person

' At this point you would assign the person object ‘secondIndividual’ values, such as

' ‘secondIndividual.RSN’ and ‘secondIndividual.DisplayValue’.

' Create Relationship Object

Dim employerRelationship As PersonService.Relationship

' At this point you would assign the relationship object ‘employerRelationship’

' values, such as ‘employerRelationship.Entity_RSN’ and

' ‘employerRelationship.Join_RSN’.

' Search for people, and store result in a resultset

relationshipResult As personService.SelectRelationshipResult

relationshipResult = secondPersonSvc.SelectRelatedEntity(token, secondIndividual.RSN, employerRelationship)

Web Service Method - InsertRelatedEntity

This method inserts a relationship between an entity related to the person entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Person to insert this relationship for.

DisplayValue: The Display Value of the Person to insert this relationship for.

EntityToInsert: The Relationship to insert.

Public Class Relationship

Property Relationship_Type As Relationship_Type

Property Join_RSN As String

Property Entity_RSN As String

Property Entity_DisplayValue As String

Property Entity_Type As String

End Class


An Integer indicating the result of the insert


Please do not use null for the display values. While the display values are not mandatory, they are used in the desktop version of Simplicity and are what your users will see.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

This sample inserts the ‘current employer’ relationship between the person and organisation entities.

' Create Person Object

Dim secondPersonSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim secondIndividual As PersonService.Person

' At this point you would assign the person object ‘secondIndividual’ values, such as

' ‘secondIndividual.RSN’ and ‘secondIndividual.DisplayValue’.

' Create Relationship Object

Dim currentRelationship As PersonService.Relationship

' At this point you would assign the relationship object ‘employerRelationship’

' values, such as ‘employerRelationship.Entity_RSN’ and

' ‘employerRelationship.Join_RSN’.

' Insert relationship

Dim relationshipResult As Integer

relationshipResult = secondPersonSvc.InsertRelatedEntity(token, secondIndividual.RSN, secondIndividual.DisplayValue, currentRelationship)

Web Service Method – DeleteRelatedEntity

This method deletes a relationship between an entity related to the person entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Person for whom this relationship will be deleted.

DisplayValue: The Display Value of the Person for whom this relationship will be deleted.

EntityToInsert: The Relationship to delete.

Public Class Relationship

Property Relationship_Type As Relationship_Type

Property Join_RSN As String

Property Entity_RSN As String

Property Entity_DisplayValue As String

Property Entity_Type As String

End Class


An Integer indicating the result of the delete


Please do not use null for the display values. While the display values are not mandatory, they are used in the desktop version of Simplicity and are what your users will see.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

This sample deletes the ‘current employer’ relationship between the person and organisation entities.

' Create Person Object

Dim secondPersonsvc As PersonService.PersonSvc = New PersonService.PersonSvc

Dim secondIndividual As PersonService.Person

' At this point you would assign the person object ‘secondIndividual’ values, such as

' ‘secondIndividual.RSN’ and ‘secondIndividual.DisplayValue’.

' Create Relationship Object

Dim currentRelationship As PersonService.Relationship

' At this point you would assign the relationship object ‘employerRelationship’

' values, such as ‘employerRelationship.Entity_RSN’ and

' ‘employerRelationship.Join_RSN’.

' Delete relationship

Dim relationshipResult As Integer

relationshipResult = secondPersonsvc.DeleteRelatedEntity(token, secondIndividual.RSN, secondIndividual.DisplayValue, currentRelationship)

SecondPerson Web Service – Result/Error Codes

‘Label Code’ refers to the Token as it is stored in the database, ‘Token’ refers to the Token as it is stored in the passport application

0 OK

1001 Exception

3001 Invalid Token

3007 Insufficient Privileges

3100 Select: Entity Not Found

3110 Insert: Invalid RSN

3111 Insert: Entity already exists

3112 Insert Exception

3120 Update: Invalid RSN

3121 Update Exception

3130 Delete Exception

3140 Select Relationship: Not Found

3141 Insert Relationship Exception

3142 Delete Relationship Exception

Organisation Web Service Method Definitions

The following methods provide the means to create, select, update and delete organisation entity records and links from the organisation entity to related entities in Simplicity. This web service is accessed via http on port 80 or https on port 443 at the following url relative to the client’s SCIS website:


  • Creating an Organisation Object
  • Creating a Relationship Object
  • SelectByRSN
  • SelectByCompanyName
  • Login
  • Authenticate
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete
  • SelectRelatedEntities
  • InsertRelatedEntity
  • DeleteRelatedEntity
  • Organisation Result/Error Codes

Creating an Organisation Object

To create an Organisation Service object in VB.Net use the following code:

(Assumes the web reference is named ‘OrganisationService’)

Dim organisationSvc As OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

organisationSvc = New OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

Dim organisations As OrganisationService.Organisation()

Creating a Relationship Object

A relationship object is used to insert/delete related entity objects.

(Assumes the web reference is named ‘OrganisationService’)

Dim currentRelationship As OrganisationService.Relationship

currentRelationship = New OrganisationService.Relationship

Web Service Method – SelectByRSN

This method sends an Organisation RSN to the OrganisationService and returns an organisation object.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Organisation to be retrieved.


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class Organisation

Property DisplayValue As String

Property PostalAddress_Line1 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line2 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line3 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line4 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line5 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line6 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line7 As String

Property RSN As String

Property StreetAddress_Line1 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line2 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line3 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line4 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line5 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line6 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line7 As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Organisation Objects

Dim organisationSvc As OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

organisationSvc = New OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

Dim organisation As OrganisationService.Organisation()

' Search for organisation, and store result in an organisation object

organisation = organisationSvc.SelectByRSN(token, RSN)

Web Service Method – SelectByCompanyName

This method sends an Organisation Name and returns organisation objects that meet the criteria.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Name: The name of the organisation to be selected. This variable

supports partial matching.


Result contains the following properties:

Public Class Organisation

Property DisplayValue As String

Property PostalAddress_Line1 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line2 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line3 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line4 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line5 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line6 As String

Property PostalAddress_Line7 As String

Property RSN As String

Property StreetAddress_Line1 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line2 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line3 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line4 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line5 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line6 As String

Property StreetAddress_Line7 As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Organisation Objects

Dim organisationSvc As OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

organisationSvc = New OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

Dim organisations As OrganisationService.Organisation()

Dim organisationResult As OrganisationService.SelectOrganisationsResult

' Pass organisationName to search and return an array

organisationResult = organisationsvc.SelectByName(token, organisationName)

organisations = organisationResult.ResultSet

Web Service Method – Login

This method takes several input variables and returns a Person (LoginResult) object, and well as the full profile of the account owner.


Key: Client ID (type GUID)

AuthorisationPassword: The password used to authorise the use of this method.

CampaignName: The campaign which all activities associated with the login will be associated with. If blank or invalid no campaign tracking is initiated.

CampaignSegment: The campaign segment which all activities associated with the login will be associated with. If blank or invalid no campaign tracking is initiated.

AccountName: The username used to validate credentials.

Password: The password used to validate credentials. Optional WHEN Authorised Username and Password is provided. This allows the client database to maintain master username and passwords and Simplicity to be a slave without storing any passwords.

TokenValidDuration: The duration the token is valid.

LoginModel: The type of model to use (MultipleLogins, SingleLogin, RoamingLogin)


A passport object of class ‘Login Result’ with a token, error code, account name, and email address. It also returns the account RSN, the account Owner RSN, type and display value, the account permissions, and the full profile of the account owner.

Additional Notes:

This method does not come with our standard Web Services Installs. You will need to request this method if you’d like to use it. Also, to use this method you will need to have purchased the Passport Services.

MultipleLogins: Allows multiple concurrent tokens.

SingleLogin: If the user has an active token an error (1016) is returned.

RoamingLogin: If the user has an active session then the token is expired and a new token is issued.


AccountName must be an Active account. AccountName must have a password specified.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Service

Dim organisationSvc As OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

organisationSvc = New OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

Dim loginResults As OrganisationService.LoginResult

' Attempt to login

loginResults = organisationSvc.Login(Key, AuthorisationPassword, CampaignName, CampaignSegment, AccountName, Password, TokenValidDuration, LoginModel)

Web Service Method – Authenticate

This method takes an existing token and it is expired. A new token is created and the now expired token is linked to the new token’s CampaignList as a referring label code.

The CampaignList that activities are logged against will be changed if the new token’s Campaign/CampaignSegment is different to that of the previous token.


Key: Client ID (type GUID)

Authorisation Password: The password used to authorise the use of this method.

Token: Token supplied by logging into the Passport Web Service

CampaignName: The campaign which all activities associated with the login will be associated with. If black or invalid no campaign tracking is initiated.

CampaignSegment: The campaign segment which all activities associated with the login will be associated with. If blank or invalid no campaign tracking is initiated.


A passport object of class ‘Authentication Result’ with a token, error code, account name, and email address. It also returns the account RSN, the account Owner RSN, type and display value, the account permissions, and the full profile of the account owner.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Organisation Service

Dim organisationSvc As OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

organisationSvc = New OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

Dim authenticateResult As OrganisationService.AuthenticateResult

' Authenticate

AuthenticateResult = organisationSvc.Authenticate(key, AuthorisationPassword, token, campaignName, campaignSegment)

Web Service Method – Insert

This method takes a new Organisation Object and inserts it into the database.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Value: The Organisation to be inserted into the database.


An integer indicating the result of the insert.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Organisation Objects

Dim organisationSvc As OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

organisationSvc = New OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

Dim company As OrganisationService.Organisation

' Assign information to the organisation object

' (The data assigned is fictional, and for example use only)

company.RSN = Guid.NewGuid.ToString

company.CompanyName = "Acme Acres Ltd"

company.DisplayValue = "Acme Acres"

' Call the Insert method, and store the resulting code in an integer

Dim organisationResult As Integer

organisationResult = organisationSVC.Insert(token, company)

Web Service Method – Update

This method takes an Organisation Object that already exists in the database, and updates the values.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Value: The Organisation to be updated


An integer indicating the result of the update.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Organisation Objects

Dim organisationSvc As OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

organisationSvc = New OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

Dim company As OrganisationService.Organisation

' Assign information to the organisation object

' (The data assigned is fictional, and for example use only)

company.CompanyName = "Acme Acres Ltd"

' Call the Update method, and store the resulting code in an integer Dim organisationResult As Integer

organisationResult = organisationSvc.Update(token, company)

Web Service Method – Delete

This method takes an Organisation Object that already exists in the database, and deletes it from the database.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Organisation to be deleted


An integer indicating the result of the delete.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Organisation Objects

Dim organisationSvc As OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

organisationSvc = new OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

Dim company As OrganisationService.Organisation

' At this point you would assign the organisation to be deleted to the organisation

' object ‘secondIndividual’.

' Call the Delete method, and store the resulting code in an integer Dim organisationResult As Integer

organisationResult = OrganisationSvc.Delete(token, company.RSN)

Web Service Method – SelectRelatedEntities

This method takes the RSN of the organisation and returns the requested relationships.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Organisation to select relationships for.

Relationship: The Relationship to select.


Result is an array containing the following properties:

Public Class Relationship

Property Relationship_Type As Relationship_Type

Property Join_RSN As String

Property Entity_RSN As String

Property Entity_DisplayValue As String

Property Entity_Type As String

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

This sample selects the ‘current staff’ records from the person-organisation relationship.

' Create Organisation Objects

Dim organisationSvc As OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

organisationSvc = new OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

Dim company As OrganisationService.Organisation

' At this point you would assign the organisation object ‘company’ values, such as

' ‘company.RSN’

' Create Relationship Object

Dim employeeRelationship As OrganisationService.Relationship

' At this point you would assign the relationship object ‘employerRelationship’

' values, such as ‘employerRelationship.Entity_RSN’ and

' ‘employerRelationship.Join_RSN’.

' Search for organisations, and store result in a resultset relationshipResult As organisationService.SelectRelationshipResult

relationshipResult = organisationSvc.SelectRelatedEntity(token, company.RSN, employeeRelationship)

Web Service Method – InsertRelatedEntity

This method inserts a relationship between an entity related to the person entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Organisation to insert this relationship for.

DisplayValue: The Display Value of the Organisation to insert this relationship for.

EntityToInsert: The Relationship to insert.

Public Class Relationship

Property Relationship_Type As Relationship_Type

Property Join_RSN As String

Property Entity_RSN As String

Property Entity_DisplayValue As String

Property Entity_Type As String

End Class


An Integer indicating the result of the insert


Please do not use null for the display values. While the display values are not mandatory, they are used in the desktop version of Simplicity and are what your users will see.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

This sample inserts the ‘current employer’ relationship between the person and organisation entities.

' Create Organisation Objects

Dim organisationSvc As OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

organisationSvc = new OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

Dim company As OrganisationService.Organisation

' At this point you would assign the organisation object ‘company’ values, such as

' ‘company.RSN’

' Create Relationship Object

Dim currentRelationship As OrganisationService.Relationship

' At this point you would assign the relationship object ‘employerRelationship’

' values, such as ‘employerRelationship.Entity_RSN’ and

' ‘employerRelationship.Join_RSN’.

' Insert relationship

Dim relationshipResult As Integer

relationshipResult = organisationSvc.InsertRelatedEntity(token, company.RSN, company.DisplayValue, employeeRelationship)

Web Service Method – DeleteRelatedEntity

This method deletes a relationship between an entity related to the organisation entity.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: The RSN of the Organisation for whom this relationship will be deleted.

DisplayValue: The Display Value of the Organisation for whom this relationship will be deleted.

EntityToInsert: The Relationship to delete.

Public Class Relationship

Property Relationship_Type As Relationship_Type

Property Join_RSN As String

Property Entity_RSN As String

Property Entity_DisplayValue As String

Property Entity_Type As String

End Class


An Integer indicating the result of the delete


Please do not use null for the display values. While the display values are not mandatory, they are used in the desktop version of Simplicity and are what your users will see.

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

This sample inserts the ‘current employer’ relationship between the person and organisation entities.

' Create Organisation Objects

Dim organisationSvc As OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

organisationSvc = new OrganisationService.OrganisationSvc

Dim company As OrganisationService.Organisation

' At this point you would assign the organisation object ‘company’ values, such as

' ‘company.RSN’

' Create Relationship Object

Dim currentRelationship As Organisation Service.Relationship

' At this point you would assign the relationship object ‘employerRelationship’

' values, such as ‘employerRelationship.Entity_RSN’ and

' ‘employerRelationship.Join_RSN’.

' Delete relationship

Dim relationshipResult As Integer

relationshipResult = personsvc.DeleteRelatedEntity(token, company.RSN, company.DisplayValue, employeeRelationship)

Organisation Web Service – Result/Error Codes

‘Label Code’ refers to the Token as it is stored in the database, ‘Token’ refers to the Token as it is stored in the passport application

0 OK

1001 Exception

3001 Invalid Token

3007 Insufficient Privileges

3100 Select: Entity Not Found

3110 Insert: Invalid RSN

3111 Insert: Entity already exists

3112 Insert Exception

3120 Update: Invalid RSN

3121 Update Exception

3130 Delete Exception

3140 Select Relationship: Not Found

3141 Insert Relationship Exception

3142 Delete Relationship Exception

Stored Procedure Services Overview

The following method is an example of functionality that a stored procedure may provide. These methods are designed to fit stored procedures seamlessly into the Web Services architecture, and can be accessed via the entity that is most appropriate for that method (for example, the ‘Household_Program_Dedupe’ method will be found on the household service).

Only stored procedures that exist currently within your Simplicity Version can be exposed. As each Simplicity Configuration is unique, if you would like a Stored Procedure exposed to the Web Services, please contact your Simplicity Account Manager.

Example: Household_Program_Dedupe

This method is a stored procedure that takes a household address, and a programme code and returns how many duplicate households are stored against that program.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Primary Surname: The primary surname of the household.

Address 1: Address Line 1

Address 2: Address Line 2

Address 3: Address Line 3

Address 4: Address Line 4

Address 5: Address Line 5

DPID: DPID Code (The Delivery Point Identifier, which is an 8 digit code allocated to a valid delivery point).

Program Code: The program to dedupe against


Result contains the following properties:

Public ClassHousehold_Program_DedupeResult

Property ErrorCode as Integer

Property ReturnCode as Integer

Property NoOfRegistrations as Integer

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Household Service

Dim householdSvc As HouseholdService.HouseholdSvc

householdSvc = new HouseholdService.HouseholdSvc

' Dedupe Househould Program

Dim dedupeResult As HouseholdService.Household_Program_DedupeResult

dedupeResult = householdSvc.Household_Program_Dedupe(token, "Surname", "1 Road Ave", "Subrub", "City/Town/State", "PostCode", "Country", "12345678", programCode, petType)

Example: Person_MemberUpdate

This stored procedure takes a memberID and a person RSN, the persons name and email address, and updates the person record and the member record.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

RSN: RSN of person to update.

MemberID: Member Id of person to update. Contains the following properties:

Public ClassMemberID

Property IsNull as Boolean

Property Value as As String

End Class

This structure is an example of nullable types. If the ‘isNull’ property is set to null, it will also set the value to ‘null’.

GivenName: The Given Name of the person to be selected. GivenName supports wildcard and partial matching.

FamilyName: The Family Name of the person to be selected. FamilyName supports wildcard and partial matching.

Email: The email address of the person to be selected. Email supports wildcard and partial matching.


Result contains the following properties:

Public ClassPerson_MemberUpdateResult

Property ErrorCode as Integer

Property ReturnCode as Integer

End Class

Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Service

Dim personSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc

personSvc = new PersonService.PersonSvc

' Update Member

Dim udpdateResult As PersonService.Person_MemberUpdateResult

udpdateResult = personSvc. Person_MemberUpdate(token, personRSN, memberID, "Joe", "blogs", "joe.blogs@email.com")

Selection via List Functionality Overview

The following method is an example of functionality that a Selection via List Functionality can provide. It is used to return a list that may contain attributes from multiple related entities in a record, as opposed to elements from a single entity. If you would like this functionality exposed to Web Services, please contact your Simplicity Account Manager.

Example: Person_List_Select

This method takes a persons name, email (both person attributes), and an organization name, the distribution group and membership type (organization attributes). It returns a list of people associated with the organization.


Token: Token returned by Logging in to the Passport Web Service.

Given Name: The given name of the person/people to select.

Surname: The surname of the person/people to select.

Company Name: The Company name of the organisation to select against

Email: The email address of the person/people to select.

SingleView ID: The Single View ID of the person/people to select.

Distribution Group:

Public Class DistributionGroup

Property ChristmasCard As Boolean

Property RightAddress As Boolean

Property Seed As Boolean

Property SimplicityNewsletter As Boolean



Result contains a list of the following properties:

Public ClassPerson_List_SelectResult

Property Errorcode as String

Property PartialResultSet as Boolean

Property ResultSet as ResultSetStructure

End Class

Public Class ResultSet

Property RSN as String

Property Name as String

Property BusinessPhone as String

Property MobilePhone as String

Property Email as String

Property Employers as String

Property SimplicityNewsletter as Boolean

Property DistributionGroup as DistributionGroup

Property JobTitle as String

Property SingleViewID as String

End Class

Public Class DistributionGroup

Property ChristmasCard As Boolean

Property RightAddress As Boolean

Property Seed As Boolean

Property SimplicityNewsletter As Boolean


Sample Code (in VB.Net)

' Create Person Service

Dim personSvc As PersonService.PersonSvc

personSvc = new PersonService.PersonSvc

' Set up Distribution Group

Dim distributionGroup As PersonService.Distribution

' Select Person List

Dim selectResult As PersonService.Person_List_SelectResult

selectResult = personSvc.Person_List_Select(token, "Joe", "", "", "Simplicity", "", "", distributionGroup, MembershipType.Company01to05)

Overall Result/Error Codes

0 Operation completed successfully

1001 An internal error occurred. Results should be discarded.

1002 Invalid campaign specified

1003 Ambiguous campaign specified

1004 Invalid campaign segment specified

1005 Ambiguous campaign segment specified

1006 Operation could not be completed – duplicate label code

1007 Invalid password specified for OldPassword parameter

1008 Invalid password specified for Password or NewPassword parameter

1009 Invalid email address specified

1010 Invalid account name. This may be due to the specified account name not existing, or the specified account name being Inactive

1011 Operation could not be completed – duplicate account name

1012 Invalid name specified for GivenName or FamilyName parameter

1013 Operation could not be completed – account status is Active

1014 Operation could not be completed – account status is Inactive

3001 Invalid token specified. This may be due to an incorrect or expired token being passed to the Passport web service. By default the token is only active for 5 minutes from last use. The token can, however, continue to be used outside the Passport web service for accessing online forms etc

3004 Operation could not be completed – account associated with the specified token does not have sufficient access rights to perform the operation

3007 Invalid credentials were supplied to one of the Login methods. This may be due to an invalid key, invalid account name or invalid password.

3100 Select found no results

3110 The RSN of the entity to be inserted was blank or invalid

3111 The Entity being inserted already exists in the database

3112 The Entity could not be inserted, possibly due to an internal error.

3120 The RSN of the entity to be updates was blank or invalid

3121 The Entity could not be updated, possibly due to an internal error

3130 The Entity could not be deleted, possibly due to an internal error

3140 Select found no results

3141 The Relationship could not be inserted, possibly due to an internal error

3142 The Relationship could not be deleted, possibly due to an internal error.

Australia - New Zealand