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Public classLoyaltyCampaignOfferClient

Simplicity Loyalty Web Service API Documentation for Loyalty Service - Campaign Offer End Point

The Campaign Offer End Point provides a collection of Methods to manage:

  • Campaigns
  • Campaign Offers
  • Query Products

Public classLoyaltyClient

Simplicity Loyalty Web Service API Documentation for Loyalty Service - Loyalty End Point

The Loyalty End Point provides a collection of Methods to manage:

  • Cards
  • Members
  • Customer Accounts
  • Batch Transactions
  • Transactions
  • Programs
  • Vouchers

Public classLoyaltyPartnerClient

Simplicity Loyalty Web Service API Documentation for Loyalty Service - Partner End Point

The Partner End Point provides a collection of Methods to manage:

  • Partners
  • Transactions

Public classLoyaltyProductClient

Simplicity Loyalty Web Service API Documentation for Loyalty Service - Product End Point

The Product End Point provides a collection of Methods to manage:

  • Products