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LoyaltyClient Class

Simplicity Loyalty Web Service API Documentation for Loyalty Service - Loyalty End Point

The Loyalty End Point provides a collection of Methods to manage:

  • Cards
  • Members
  • Customer Accounts
  • Batch Transactions
  • Transactions
  • Programs
  • Vouchers

public class LoyaltyClient

The LoyaltyClient type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleCreateCardAndMember

Create a new Card and a new Member with a Security Account, from the submitted values.

  • Card is created with the Card Status of "ACTIVE"
  • Cardholder can login using the credentials - User Name: Member Email Address, Password: Access Code
Public methodCode exampleCreateCardForMember

Create a new Card and link to an existing Member, from the submitted values. The Card and Member are linked via Program Membership.

  • Card is created with the Card Status of "ACTIVE"
  • Service will return a new Card Number and Access Code
Public methodCode exampleCreateMember

Create Member using the submitted values.

  • Card should not be populated when using this method
  • ProgramMembership.PersonRSN should be left blank
  • Points balance cannot be modified using this method
Public methodCode exampleCreateMemberForInStoreCard

Assign an existing Physical Card to a New Member. The Card Status is set to "ACTIVE.

  • CardStatus must be "PENDINGACTIVATION"
  • Check the CardStatus using the method: ValidateInStoreCard
  • CardNumber and Access code is validated
  • ProgramMembership.ProgramRSN and ProgramMembership.PointsBalance cannot be modified using this method
  • ProgramMembership.PersonRSN does not need to be populated when using this method
  • ProgramMembership.Cards and ProgramMembership.Vouchers should not be populated for this method
Public methodCode exampleCreateMemberForTransferCard
Public methodCode exampleDeleteCustomerAccount

Delete an existing Customer Account from the submitted Customer Account RSN.

The Customer Account RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectCustomerAccountList

Public methodCode exampleDeleteTransactionGalleryImage

Delete an existing Transaction Gallery Image from the submitted Image RSN.

Public methodCode exampleFirstCardOrCreateVirtualCard

Searches for an existing Card that belongs to:

  • The specified Program
  • The Member meeting the specified Member Search Criteria

  • If a single Member is found, then the Card Number and Access Code for the first Card for the specified Program and Member is returned
  • If a Card is not found found, then a new Virtual Card is created. The new Card Number and Access Code is returned
  • If more than one Member is found, then a descriptive Fault Code and Fault Description is returned
Public methodCode exampleGetCardBalance

Return the Card Points Balance for the submitted Card Number.

Public methodCode exampleGetClosingCardBalance

Return the CardPoints Balance for the submitted Card Number.

The Card Points Balance returned is as at 23:59:59 (End of Business) on the submitted Date.

Public methodCode exampleGetOpeningCardBalance

Return the CardPoints Balance for the submitted Card Number.

The Card Points Balance returned is as at 00:00:00 (Start of Business) on the submitted Date.

Public methodCode exampleGetUsernameForCard

Return the Security Account User Name linked to the submitted Card Number.

Public methodCode exampleInsertCustomerAccount

Create a new Customer Account linking to the submitted Partner and Member.

Public methodCode exampleLinkMemberToInStoreCard

Assign an existing Physical Card to an existing Member. The Card Status is set to "ACTIVE.

  • CardStatus must be "PENDINGACTIVATION"
  • Check the CardStatus using the method: ValidateInStoreCard
  • CardNumber and Access code is validated
  • ProgramMembership.ProgramRSN and ProgramMembership.PointsBalance cannot be modified using this method
  • ProgramMembership.PersonRSN does not need to be populated when using this method
Public methodCode exampleLostCard

Sets the specified Card Number Status to "INACTIVE". This will prevent any possible unauthorised Points Redemptions occuring.

Public methodCode exampleNonSaleTransaction

Submit a Non Sale Transaction. A Non Sale Transaction can result in the Member earning Points, where the Transaction is not generated from a Sale.

The updated Card Ponts Balance is returned.

  • TransactionID is optional. If no TransactionID is submitted, then a unique TransactionID is returned by the Service
  • The submitted Transaction Date must be Less Than or Equal to the current Date and Time
Public methodCode examplePointsRedemptionTransaction

Submit a Transaction to Redeem Points that are available for Redemption on the submitted Card Number.

The updated Card Ponts Balance is returned.

  • The Transaction generated requires to be approved. Approval is completed via the Administration End Point Service Method: ApproveTransaction
  • TransactionID is optional. If no TransactionID is submitted, then a unique TransactionID is returned by the Service
  • The submitted Transaction Date must be Greater Than or Equal to the current Date and Time
Public methodCode exampleQueryTransaction

Returns the number of potential points the Member would earn from a particular Transaction that contains a combination of submitted Transaction Properties.

Public methodCode exampleReplaceCard

Sets the specified Card Number Status to "INACTIVE". This will prevent any possible unauthorised Points Redemptions occuring.

A new replacement Card is generated. The details associated to the specified Card Number will copied to the replacement Card.

The service returns the replacement Card Number and Access Code.

Public methodCode exampleSelectCardByCardNumber

Returns the Card Details for the submitted Card Number. Also returns a Transaction History associated to the submitted Card Number.

Public methodCode exampleSelectCardByRSN

Returns the Card Details for the submitted Card RSN. Also returns a Transaction History associated to the submitted Card RSN.

Public methodCode exampleSelectCardNumber

Return the first Card Number linked to the authenticated Member.

The Token supplied when the Member is Authenticated, links to the Card Number.

Public methodCode exampleSelectCustomerAccount

Return the Customer Account details from the submitted Customer Account RSN.

The Customer Account RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectCustomerAccountList

Public methodCode exampleSelectCustomerAccountList

Return a collection of Customer Accounts, filtered from the submitted values.

Pagination parameters are available to format the response.

Public methodCode exampleSelectDateOfLastTransaction
Public methodCode exampleSelectHomePartnerForCard

Return the default Partner Details from the submitted values or authenticated Member Token.

  • If Card Number or UserSecurityAccount_RSN is not submitted, then the authenticated Member Token will be used by default
  • If the Card has not linked to a Program Membership, a descriptive FaultCode and Fault Descritpion will be returned
  • If the Card has not linked to a Security Account, a descriptive FaultCode and Fault Descritpion will be returned
Public methodCode exampleSelectMember
Public methodCode exampleSelectMemberByCardNumber

Return the Member Details from the submitted Card Number.

Public methodCode exampleSelectMemberByMemberRSN

Return the Member Details from the submitted Member RSN.

Public methodCode exampleSelectMemberBySecurityAccountRSN

Return the Member Details from the submitted Security Account RSN.

Public methodCode exampleSelectMemberCashback
Public methodCode exampleSelectMemberNextPointsToExpire
Public methodCode exampleSelectMemberNonFinancialPointsPotential

Returns the maximum number of potential points the Member would earn from a particular Non Financial Transaction that contains a combination of Non Financial Transaction Properties.

The Non Financial Transaction Properties can include:
  • Card Number
  • Product Category
  • Product Code
  • Product Department
  • Product Department
Public methodCode exampleSelectMemberPointsSummaryByProgramCode

Returns the Program Member Details and Points Expiry for the submitted Member RSN and Program Code for Expiries that are:

  • Potential Points to be Expired in the future
  • Points already Expired in the past

Public methodCode exampleSelectMemberPointsSummaryByProgramRSN

Returns the Program Member Details and Points Expiry for the submitted Member RSN and Program RSN for Expiries that are:

  • Potential Points to be Expired in the future
  • Points already Expired in the past

Public methodCode exampleSelectMemberRecentExpiredPoints

Return the next highest Program Membership Tier for the submitted Card Number.

Public methodCode exampleSelectMemberTopVoucher
Public methodCode exampleSelectNextProgramTier
Public methodCode exampleSelectProgramLastAnniversaryDate

Returns the last anniversary date for the Program Membership linked to the submitted Card Number.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProgramName

Returns the Program Name linked to the submitted Card Number.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProgramNextAnniversaryDate

Returns the next anniversary date for the Program Membership linked to the submitted Card Number.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProgramNumberOfDaysFromLastAnniversaryDate

Returns the number of days from the last anniversary date for the Program Membership linked to the submitted Card Number.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProgramNumberOfDaysToNextAnniversaryDate

Returns the number of days to the next anniversary date for the Program Membership linked to the submitted Card Number.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProgramPercentageRequiredToNextTier

Returns the progress for the number of points required for the Member to progress to the next Membership Tier. Progress is expressed as a percentage for the submitted Card Number.

Parameters are available to optionally return a pro rata percentage based on the next Program Membershop Anniversary Date.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProgramPointsRequiredToNextTier

Returns the progress for the number of points required for the Member to progress to the next Membership Tier. Progress is expressed in Points required for the submitted Card Number.

Parameters are available to optionally return the pro rata points based on the next Program Membershop Anniversary Date.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProgramStartDate

Returns the start date for the Program linked to the submitted Card Number.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProgramTier

Returns the Program Tier linked to the submitted Card Number.

If the Program has no Tiers, the Program Name will be returned.

Public methodCode exampleSelectTransactionDetailByRSN

Returns the Transaction Details from the submitted Transaction Set RSN.

The Transaction Set RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectTransactionDetailList

Public methodCode exampleSelectTransactionDetailByTransactionID

Returns the Transaction Details from the submitted Transaction ID.

The Transaction ID can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectTransactionDetailList

Public methodCode exampleSelectTransactionDetailList

Returns a Paged Collection of Transaction Details from the submitted Search Paramaters.

Paging parameters can be defined in the request.

Public methodCode exampleSelectTransactionHistory

Returns a Paged Collection of Transaction Details from the submitted Search Paramaters.

Paging parameters can be defined in the request.

Public methodCode exampleSelectVoucherByRSN
Public methodCode exampleSelectVoucherList
Public methodCode exampleSelectVouchers

Returns a Paged Collection of Vouchers linked to the submitted Card Number and Access Code.

Paging parameters can be defined in the request.

Public methodCode exampleTransferCardToMember
Public methodCode exampleUpdateCard

Update a Card Detail, from the submitted values.

  • Card Number cannot be changed
  • Card Access Code can be changed. If the Access Code is the default password, this method will not update the password.
Public methodCode exampleUpdateCustomerAccount

Update a Customer Account Detail, from the submitted values.

Public methodCode exampleUpdateMember

Update a Member Detail, from the submitted values.

Public methodCode exampleValidateInStoreCard

Returns the Card Status for the submitted Card Number and Access Code.

Access Code may be configured to be an optional parameter.

Public methodCode exampleValidateTransactionImageEditByMember
Public methodCode exampleValidateTransactionImageEditByOutlet
Public methodCode exampleValidateTransactionImageEditByPartner
Public methodCode exampleVoucherDetails

Returns the details of the Voucher for the submitted Voucher Number.

See Also