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LoyaltyCampaignOfferClient Class

Simplicity Loyalty Web Service API Documentation for Loyalty Service - Campaign Offer End Point

The Campaign Offer End Point provides a collection of Methods to manage:

  • Campaigns
  • Campaign Offers
  • Query Products

public class LoyaltyCampaignOfferClient

The LoyaltyCampaignOfferClient type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleDeleteCampaignOffer

Delete the Campaign Offer from the submitted Campaign Offer RSN.

The Campaign Offer RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectCampaignOfferList

Public methodCode exampleDeleteCampaignOfferCategory

Delete the Campaign Offer Category from the submitted Campaign Offer Category RSN.

The Campaign Offer Category RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectCampaignOfferCategoryList

Public methodCode exampleDeleteCampaignOfferGalleryImage
Public methodCode exampleInsertCampaignOffer

Create a new Campaign Offer, from the submitted values.

Public methodCode exampleInsertCampaignOfferCategory

Create a new Campaign Offer Category, from the submitted values.

Public methodCode exampleInsertCampaignOfferGalleryImage
Public methodCode exampleSelectCampaignOffer

Select the Campaign Offer details from the submitted Campaign OFfer RSN.

The Campaign Offer RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectCampaignOfferList

Public methodCode exampleSelectCampaignOfferCategory

Select the Campaign Offer Category details from the submitted Campaign Offer Category RSN.

The Campaign Offer Category RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectCampaignOfferCategoryList

Public methodCode exampleSelectCampaignOfferCategoryList

Returns a Paged Collection of all the Campaign Offer Categories.

Paging parameters can be defined in the request.

Public methodCode exampleSelectCampaignOfferForCardList

Returns a Paged Collection of all the Campaign Offers available to a Card, filtered from the submitted values.

Paging parameters can be defined in the request.

Public methodCode exampleSelectCampaignOfferForMember
Public methodCode exampleSelectCampaignOfferForMemberList

Returns a Paged Collection of all the Campaign Offers available to a Member, filtered from the submitted values.

Paging parameters can be defined in the request.

  • Member_RSN is mandatory
  • Program_RSN is mandatory
Public methodCode exampleSelectCampaignOfferList
Public methodCode exampleSelectProductBrandList

Returns a Paged Collection of all the Product Brands.

Paging parameters can be defined in the request.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProductCategoryList

Returns a Paged Collection of all the Product Categories.

Paging parameters can be defined in the request.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProductDepartmentList

Returns a Paged Collection of all the Product Departments.

Paging parameters can be defined in the request.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProductList

Returns a Paged Collection of all the Products.

Paging parameters can be defined in the request.

Public methodCode exampleSetCampaignOfferFeaturedImage
Public methodCode exampleUpdateCampaignOffer

Update a Campaign Offer Detail, from the submitted values.

Public methodCode exampleUpdateCampaignOfferCategory

Update a Campaign Offer Category Detail, from the submitted values.

See Also