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AdministrationClient Class

Simplicity Loyalty Web Service API Documentation for Administration End Point

The Administration End Point provides a collection of Methods to manage:

  • Loyalty Platform Administration Functions

public class AdministrationClient

The AdministrationClient type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleAdjustmentTransaction

Submit a Adjustment Transaction. An Adjustment Transaction can be used to correct the Points Balance for a Customer Service function.

The updated Card Ponts Balance is returned.

  • The Transaction generated requires to be approved. Approval is completed via the Service Method: ApproveTransaction
  • TransactionID is optional. If no TransactionID is submitted, then a unique TransactionID is returned by the Service
  • Transaction Value must be between a configurable Minimum and Maximum value
  • The submitted Transaction Date must be Less Than or Equal to the current Date and Time
Public methodCode exampleApproveTransaction

Approve the Transaction Item from the submitted Transaction Item RSN

Transactions to be approved can be generated from various End Point Web Service Methods. To find the list of Transactions to be Approved, use the Web Service Method: SelectPendingTransactions
Public methodCode exampleCancelMemberBatch

Cancel the processing of a queued batch of Members, from the submitted Batch RSN. A batch cannot be cancelled after it has been processed.

This method is a step in the workflow for Member File Batch submission.

Member File Batch submission workflow:
  • Initialise Batch - call Web Service Method: OpenMemberBatch
  • Submit Member File(s) - call Web Service Method: LoadMemberBatch
  • Monitor submitted Member Batch Progress - call Web Service Method: QueryMemberBatch
  • Stop The Member Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: CancelMemberBatch
  • Analyse the final results of The Member Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: ReportMemberBatch
Public methodCode exampleCancelTransactionBatch

Cancel the processing of a queued batch of Transactions, from the submitted Batch RSN. A batch cannot be cancelled after it has been processed.

This method is a step in the workflow for Transaction File Batch submission.

Transaction File Batch submission workflow:
  • Initialise Batch - call Web Service Method: OpenTransactionBatch
  • Submit Transaction File(s) - call Web Service Method: LoadTransactionBatch
  • Monitor submitted Transaction Batch Progress - call Web Service Method: QueryTransactionBatch
  • Stop The Transaction Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: CancelTransactionBatch
  • Analyse the final results of The Transaction Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: ReportTransactionBatch
Public methodCode exampleCreateDistrict

Create a new District, from the submitted values.

A District is linked to a Region. The Region RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectRegion.

Public methodCode exampleCreateNewVoucher

Creates a new Voucher that is a copy of the Voucher related to the submitted Voucher RSN value.

  • The submitted Voucher RSN value must identify a Voucher that has not been consumed
  • The submitted Voucher RSN value must identify a Voucher that has past it's Expiry Date
  • The new Voucher will have an Expiry Date the is set from the submitted Expires DateTime
Public methodCode exampleCreateProgram

Create a new Program, from the submitted values.

Public methodCode exampleCreateRegion

Create a new Region, from the submitted values.

A Region can be related to many Districts The Region RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectRegion.

Public methodCode exampleCreateSecurityAccount

Create a new Security Account, from the submitted values.

Public methodCode exampleCreateSecurityAccountForExistingEntity
Public methodCode exampleCreateSecurityAccountForNewUser
Public methodCode exampleCreateVoucher

Create a new Voucher, from the submitted values.

Public methodCode exampleDeclineTransaction

Decline the Transaction Item from the submitted Transaction Item RSN

  • Transactions to be Declined can be generated from various End Point Web Service Methods
  • To find the list of Transactions to be Declined, use the Web Service Method: SelectPendingTransactions
Public methodCode exampleDeleteDistrict

Delete the District from the submitted District RSN.

The District RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectDistrict.

Public methodCode exampleDeleteRegion

Delete the Region from the submitted Region RSN.

The Region RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectRegion.

Public methodCode exampleDeleteUserLookupList
Public methodCode exampleDeleteUserLookupListValue
Public methodCode exampleExtendVoucherDate

Modifies the the Expiry Date for the Voucher identified from the submitted Voucher RSN value.

  • Voucher cannot be consumed
  • Voucher bannot be past it's Expiry Date
  • Related Member mus a and Active Member Status
Public methodCode exampleHoldingAdjustmentTransaction
Public methodCode exampleInsertMarketingSegment

Create a new Marketing Segment and link to an Entity Type and Entity RSN, from the submitted values.

Public methodCode exampleInsertUserLookupList
Public methodCode exampleInsertUserLookupListValue
Public methodCode exampleLoadMemberBatch

Submitting a single file or multiple files containing Members.

If more than 1 file is being submitted, the set the value for BatchOStagingMember.Final = 1

Optimum number of Member rows per file is 20.

This method is a step in the workflow for Member File Batch submission.

Member File Batch submission workflow:
  • Initialise Batch - call Web Service Method: OpenMemberBatch
  • Submit Member File(s) - call Web Service Method: LoadMemberBatch
  • Monitor submitted Member Batch Progress - call Web Service Method: QueryMemberBatch
  • Stop The Member Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: CancelMemberBatch
  • Analyse the final results of The Member Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: ReportMemberBatch
Public methodCode exampleLoadTransactionBatch

Submitting a single file or multiple files containing Transactions.

If more than 1 file is being submitted, the set the value for BatchOStagingTransaction.Final = 1

Optimum number of Transaction rows per file is 20.

This method is a step in the workflow for Transaction File Batch submission.

Transaction File Batch submission workflow:
  • Initialise Batch - call Web Service Method: OpenTransactionBatch
  • Submit Transaction File(s) - call Web Service Method: LoadTransactionBatch
  • Monitor submitted Transaction Batch Progress - call Web Service Method: QueryTransactionBatch
  • Stop The Transaction Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: CancelTransactionBatch
  • Analyse the final results of The Transaction Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: ReportTransactionBatch
Public methodCode exampleOpenCardBatch

Initialise the Batch for Generating a Batch of new Cards. The service returns the Batch Details, containing a key for calling the Service: QueryCardBatch.

Cards can be generated with a specified value loaded.

Card Batch submission Related Methods:
  • Initialise Batch - call Web Service Method: OpenCardBatch
  • Monitor submitted Member Batch Progress - call Web Service Method: QueryCardBatch
Public methodCode exampleOpenMemberBatch

Initialise the Batch for submitting file(s) containing Members. The service returns the Batch Details, containing a key for calling the subsequent workflow Member Batch methods.

This method is a step in the workflow for Member File Batch submission.

Member File Batch submission workflow:
  • Initialise Batch - call Web Service Method: OpenMemberBatch
  • Submit Member File(s) - call Web Service Method: LoadMemberBatch
  • Monitor submitted Member Batch Progress - call Web Service Method: QueryMemberBatch
  • Stop The Member Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: CancelMemberBatch
  • Analyse the final results of The Member Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: ReportMemberBatch
Public methodCode exampleOpenTransactionBatch

Initialise the Batch for submitting file(s) containing Transaction. The service returns the Batch Details, containing a key for calling the subsequent workflow Transaction Batch methods.

This method is a step in the workflow for Transaction File Batch submission.

Transaction File Batch submission workflow:
  • Initialise Batch - call Web Service Method: OpenTransactionBatch
  • Submit Transaction File(s) - call Web Service Method: LoadTransactionBatch
  • Monitor submitted Transaction Batch Progress - call Web Service Method: QueryTransactionBatch
  • Stop The Transaction Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: CancelTransactionBatch
  • Analyse the final results of The Transaction Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: ReportTransactionBatch
Public methodCode examplePointsTransferTransaction

Submit a Points Transfer Transaction, for a nominated Points amount. The From Card Number and To Card Number are specified in the request.

The updated Card Ponts Balance is returned.

  • TransactionID is optional. If no TransactionID is submitted, then a unique TransactionID is returned by the Service
  • The submitted Transaction Date must be Less Than or Equal to the current Date and Time
Public methodCode exampleQueryCardBatch

Returns the Batch Details metadata that enables monitoring the submitted Card Batch Progress.

Card Batch submission Related Methods:
  • Initialise Batch - call Web Service Method: OpenCardBatch
  • Monitor submitted Member Batch Progress - call Web Service Method: QueryCardBatch
Public methodCode exampleQueryMemberBatch

Returns the Batch Details metadata that enables monitoring the submitted Member Batch Progress.

This method is an optional step in the workflow for Member File Batch submission.

Member File Batch submission workflow:
  • Initialise Batch - call Web Service Method: OpenMemberBatch
  • Submit Member File(s) - call Web Service Method: LoadMemberBatch
  • Monitor submitted Member Batch Progress - call Web Service Method: QueryMemberBatch
  • Stop The Member Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: CancelMemberBatch
  • Analyse the final results of The Member Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: ReportMemberBatch
Public methodCode exampleQueryTransactionBatch

Returns the Batch Details metadata that enables monitoring the submitted Transaction Batch Progress.

This method is an optional step in the workflow for Transaction File Batch submission.

Transaction File Batch submission workflow:
  • Initialise Batch - call Web Service Method: OpenTransactionBatch
  • Submit Transaction File(s) - call Web Service Method: LoadTransactionBatch
  • Monitor submitted Transaction Batch Progress - call Web Service Method: QueryTransactionBatch
  • Stop The Transaction Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: CancelTransactionBatch
  • Analyse the final results of The Transaction Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: ReportTransactionBatch
Public methodCode exampleReplaceAllUserLookupListValues
Public methodCode exampleReportMemberBatch

Analyse the final results of the completed processing for a batch of Members, from the submitted Batch RSN.

This method is a step in the workflow for Member File Batch submission.

Member File Batch submission workflow:
  • Initialise Batch - call Web Service Method: OpenMemberBatch
  • Submit Member File(s) - call Web Service Method: LoadMemberBatch
  • Monitor submitted Member Batch Progress - call Web Service Method: QueryMemberBatch
  • Stop The Member Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: CancelMemberBatch
  • Analyse the final results of The Member Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: ReportMemberBatch
Public methodCode exampleReportTransactionBatch

Analyse the final results of the completed processing for a batch of Transaction, from the submitted Batch RSN.

This method is a step in the workflow for Member File Batch submission.

Transaction File Batch submission workflow:
  • Initialise Batch - call Web Service Method: OpenTransactionBatch
  • Submit Transaction File(s) - call Web Service Method: LoadTransactionBatch
  • Monitor submitted Transaction Batch Progress - call Web Service Method: QueryTransactionBatch
  • Stop The Transaction Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: CancelTransactionBatch
  • Analyse the final results of The Transaction Batch Processing - call Web Service Method: ReportTransactionBatch
Public methodCode exampleRequestManagementGroupAccountPasswordResetFromAdmin
Public methodCode exampleReverseTransactionItem

Reverse the matching Transaction to the submitted Transaction Item RSN. The Reversal Transaction is a contra of the original Transaction.

Public methodCode exampleSelectAccountingPeriodByBranch
Public methodCode exampleSelectCardBulkLoadHistory
Public methodCode exampleSelectCardBulkLoadHistoryList
Public methodCode exampleSelectCardsByBatch
Public methodCode exampleSelectCardsByBatchForDownload
Public methodCode exampleSelectCustomerAccountFieldValue

Returns the Value of the supplied Field for the Customer Account linked to the supplied Card and Customer Account ID.

Will return the supplied Default Value if the Field is empty.

Public methodCode exampleSelectDistrict

Return the District Details from the submitted District RSN.

The District RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectDistrict.

Public methodCode exampleSelectLookupListStandardValues
Public methodCode exampleSelectLookupListValues
Public methodCode exampleSelectLoyaltySummary
Public methodCode exampleSelectMemberFieldValue

Returns the Value of the supplied Field for the Member linked to the supplied Card and Member Type.

Will return the supplied Default Value if the Field is empty.

Public methodCode exampleSelectMembers

Return a collection of Members, filtered from the submitted values.

Pagination parameters are available to format the response.

  • If a Card or Voucher Number is submitted, then this takes precendence over the other Filter Fields.
Public methodCode exampleSelectMembersWithoutSecurityAccount
Public methodCode exampleSelectPagedAccessActivityList
Public methodCode exampleSelectPagedCampaignActivityList
Public methodCode exampleSelectPagedCampaignList
Public methodCode exampleSelectPagedCampaignSegmentList
Public methodCode exampleSelectPagedDistrictList
Public methodCode exampleSelectPagedEntityFieldList
Public methodCode exampleSelectPagedRegionList
Public methodCode exampleSelectPagedSecurityAccountList
Public methodCode exampleSelectPartnerOutlets

Return a collection of Partner Outlets, filtered from the submitted values.

Pagination parameters are available to format the response.

Public methodCode exampleSelectPartners

Return a collection of Partners, filtered from the submitted values.

Pagination parameters are available to format the response.

Public methodCode exampleSelectPartnersAndOutlets
Public methodCode exampleSelectPartnersAndPartnerOutletsWithoutSecurityAccounts
Public methodCode exampleSelectPendingTransactions

Returns a Paged Collection of all the Transactions Pending Approval.

Paging parameters can be defined in the request.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProgram

Select the Program details from the submitted Program RSN.

The Program RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectProgramList

Public methodCode exampleSelectProgramList

Return a collection of Programs, filtered from the submitted values.

Pagination parameters are available to format the response.

Public methodCode exampleSelectProgramMembershipFieldValue

Returns the Value of the supplied Field for the Program Membership linked to the supplied Card Number.

Will return the supplied Default Value if the Field is empty.

Public methodCode exampleSelectRecentTransactionHistory

Return a collection of the last 15 Transactions, ordered by Transaction Date DESC

Public methodCode exampleSelectRegion

Return the Region Details from the submitted Region RSN.

The Region RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectRegion.

Public methodCode exampleSelectSecurityAccount
Public methodCode exampleSelectSettings

Select the Settings details, from the submitted Settings RSN.

The Settings RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectSettingsList

Settings are a row of Fields and Values that provide enterprise values for the Loyalty Implementation.

Public methodCode exampleSelectSettingsList

Return a collection of all the Settings.

Settings are a row of Fields and Values that provide enterprise values for the Loyalty Implementation.

Pagination parameters are available to format the response.

Public methodCode exampleSelectStagingMemberList
Public methodCode exampleSelectStagingTransactionList
Public methodCode exampleSelectTransactionsByAccountingPeriod
Public methodCode exampleSelectTransactionsByHomeBranch
Public methodCode exampleSelectUserLookupList
Public methodCode exampleSelectUserLookupList_AllValues
Public methodCode exampleSelectUserLookupList_List
Public methodCode exampleSelectUserLookupListValue
Public methodCode exampleSelectUserLookupListValue_List
Public methodCode exampleSelectUsernameByMemberRSN

Returns the User Name from the Security Account linked to the submitted Member RSN.

The Member RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectMembers

Public methodCode exampleSendEmailFromTemplateForCampaignWithAttachments
Public methodCode exampleSetMemberExpiry

Set the End Date for the Program Membership linked to the submitted Member RSN.

This will also by extension set an End Date to any Card belonging to the Program Membership.

The Member RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectMembers

Public methodCode exampleUpdateCardStatus

Update the Card Status, from the submitted Card Number.

Only the Card Status Property will be updated, regardless of the Card Properties that can be submitted.

Public methodCode exampleUpdateDistrict

Update the District Detail from the submitted Values.

The District RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectDistrict.

Public methodCode exampleUpdateProgram

Update the Program from the submitted Values.

The Program RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectProgram

Public methodCode exampleUpdateProgramMembership
Public methodCode exampleUpdateRegion

Update the Region Detail from the submitted Values.

The Region RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectRegion.

Public methodCode exampleUpdateSecurityAccount
Public methodCode exampleUpdateSettings

Update the Settings linked to the submitted Values.

The Settings RSN can be fetched from the Web Service Method: SelectSettings

Public methodCode exampleUpdateUserLookupList
Public methodCode exampleUpdateUserLookupListValue
See Also